Good afternoon and welcome to our Week-End Update.
First, I want to take a moment to remember Schuylkill County
Commissioner Frank Staudenmeier, who passed away last weekend. Frank
was a dedicated public servant and a leader in the community. We all
send our heartfelt condolences to Frank’s family, friends and all of
Schuylkill County.

On Monday, I attended the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington,
the largest gathering of America’s pro-Israel community. We must
always stand with Israel, our nation’s greatest ally in the Middle
East, and fight back against Antisemitism in all capacities.
(Pictured below with Congressman Fred Keller.)

The coronavirus is dominating the news and President Trump, Vice
President Pence and Congress are making every resource available to
combat this illness. I attended a White House Coronavirus Briefing
with Vice President Mike Pence. The administration has implemented new
travel restrictions and has sped up testing. This week, President
Trump signed an $8.3 billion spending bill aimed at fighting the
coronavirus outbreak that Congress sent to the White House to provide
funds to federal agencies, as well as state and local governments, to
battle the disease. If you are concerned that you or a loved one may
be infected, please follow the CDC guidelines below.

This week, I conducted interviews on SiriusXM Patriot on The Wilkow
Majority and with Newsmax to preview President Trump’s trip to
Scranton and Fox News Channel Town Hall.
I traveled with President Trump on Air Force One to attend the Fox
News Town Hall. The president’s message of optimism and his America
First agenda continue to resonate with the people of the 9th District.
President Trump’s conservative policies have re-energized what had
been a stagnant economy and reversed the failed policies of previous
administrations that left many Americans behind.
His leadership has led to record economic gains, including the
lowest unemployment rate in half a century. After years of meager wage
growth, workers are seeing their fastest wage gains in a decade and
manufacturing jobs are growing at the fastest rate in more than three
decades. In Pennsylvania alone, the economy has added 162,000 new jobs
since 2016.
President Trump has also been a champion for our region’s energy
industry. The Administration’s efforts to repeal costly regulations
have ensured that family-sustaining jobs in the coal and natural gas
industries will be attainable for generations to come. I look forward
to continuing this important work on behalf of hardworking
Pennsylvanians in Congress. (Pictured below on Air Force One, with
President Trump and White House Senior Advisor Kellyanne

On Saturday, I attended the PA for Human Life Prayer Breakfast.
Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon served as the special

Later our campaign attended the GOP’s Stars & Stripes Gala in
Montour County. Chairwoman Gunther ran an excellent event and raised
over $1,000 for the Montour County Veteran’s Affairs Program. Special
congratulations to Barb Fenstermaker, who won the Trump bear.

The Democratic presidential contest rolled through Super Tuesday
(or "Super Thursday" if you are Joe Biden), and there has been
considerable movement in the race as Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar,
Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the race.
Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Beto O’Rourke dropped out and endorsed Joe
Biden the day before Super Tuesday as the Democrat establishment is
doing anything to stop Bernie Sanders. So far, their efforts have paid
off as Joe Biden currently leads the race against Bernie Sanders after
a strong showing on Tuesday. Below we have our political cartoon of
the week, which I believe sums up the Democratic primary this

MEDIA: Whether it is Bernie or Biden, one thing that won’t
change is both the candidate’s desire to embrace socialist policies
and a big-government agenda. The Democratic Party leadership will be
working to have you believe their chosen candidate Joe Biden is
moderate and a good bet for Pennsylvanians. However, his record says
- Opposition to fracking means 600,000 jobs lost in
- Wants to eliminate coal in the United States
- Supports a carbon tax and adding to the cost of fueling cars and
heating our homes
- Supports criminal aliens over law enforcement and would not build
a wall or secure the southern border
- Called Obama-era deportations "a mistake"
- Put Beto O'Rourke in charge of guns after he said, "Hell yeah,
we're taking away your AR-15"
- Promises to protect and build on failed Obamacare
- Raise taxes $3.4 trillion including individual taxes
- Spends $1.7 trillion on the Green New Deal
- Opposed the raid to kill Osama Bin Laden and would not have killed
Qasem Soleimani, either
- Crafted "tough on crime" bills for decades with misguided policies
that must now be corrected
Meanwhile, let's look at President Trump's record as it pertains to
the Keystone State:
- 162,000 jobs created in Pennsylvanians since 2017, unemployment
has dropped 1 percentage point
- Under President Trump, 6,000 jobs added in northeastern
Pennsylvania - 2,000 manufacturing jobs
- Pennsylvania's new business applications increased 21% since
President Trump's election
- Pennsylvania businesses are excited for USMCA. Trade with Canada
and Mexico contributes $15 billion to our economy, 40% of PA global
- Fracking supports 600,000 jobs in PA
- Pennsylvania ranks 2nd in natural gas production
- Pennsylvania ranks 3rd in coal production, turning out 49,883,000
tons of coal in 2018
- Sanctuary city Philadelphia's Fraternal Order of Police endorsed
President Trump in 2016
The stakes for Pennsylvania and the nation could not be higher in
2020. We must ensure Pennsylvania votes for President Trump and that
Republicans win back control of the U.S. House of Representatives. The
stakes are just too high.
Thank you and we will see you soon,