From John Jackson, Campaign Manager <>
Date March 8, 2020 4:25 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
It’s John here, Senator Cornyn’s campaign manager. As you saw for the first
time a few months ago, I decided to pull a list for Senator Cornyn of hi



It’s John here, Senator Cornyn’s campaign manager. 

As you saw for the first time a few months ago, I decided to pull a list for
Senator Cornyn of his most LOYAL supporters. 

The Senator wanted to know who he could count on when times got hard and when
he hadsecure information that he wanted to share with patriots across Texas who
would spread the message and share the word of what our campaign is doing and
what we stand for, through and through. 

Friend, for a limited time, Senator Cornyn wanted to re-open this opportunity
as he is seeking out those who are TRULY committed to help keep Texas red
throughout the general election taking place in November. 

Friend, can we count on you to join the Senator’s Founding Members Group? The
most loyal of Texans? Texans who want to see our state THRIVE and stay RED.
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Days Until 2020 Election: 240
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As the Senator mentioned to you, there are only 240 days left until the
November election. 

We’ve passed our easy goal: Winning the March primary. Now we have to show up,
and show up strong. 
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Senator Cornyn asked me to pull a list for him tomorrow morning for our phone
call, and I don’t want to have to tell him that friend decided they didn’t want
to be a part of this opportunity.
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John Jackson, 

Campaign Manager

Paid for by Texans for Senator John Cornyn

This email was sent to With you on board, we’re one
step closer to keeping Texas red and fighting to create a future we can all be
proud of. On behalf of all of us, we’re glad you’re on board. Now that you’re
on Team Cornyn, make sure that you’re keeping up to date with the latest news.
The best way to do so? Following our campaign onFacebook
<[link removed]> and Twitter
<[link removed]> – that way you’ll always be the first to know
when something important comes up. Now, if you’re still reading this, we know
you’re really ready to stand up and protect Texas. To aid your fight, we
suggest you turnthis song <[link removed]> up on
full volume and do anything you can to help stop the dangerous policies being
pedaled by the left to oppose our president and replace our conservative Texas
values. Once you’re pumped up and ready to go, head over to ourvolunteer page
<[link removed]>
and find out exactly how you can help. We’d be proud to have you join us.
Thank you for all you do to support John Cornyn for Senate. Don’t want to
receive additional updates? Click here tounsubscribe
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... But we’d rather you stick around. Together, we can protect this great state
we know and love, and promote a safe, prosperous, and healthy Texas.
Contributions to Texans for Senator John Cornyn, Inc. are not tax deductible.
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