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National Commitee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare


Benefits Watch Newsletter

Insider’s Report: America’s Veterans Are Among Millions of Older Americans Counting on Social Security

Today our nation honors the men and women who have bravely served in America’s military. In 2022, over 8 million veterans received Social Security benefits and accounted for 14.5 percent of all adult beneficiaries.

And so this is an important time to remember the promises our government has made to our nation’s military. Many 

veterans, like millions of older Americans, are counting on their earned benefits just to make ends meet. And their retirement and health security would be devastated if proposed benefit cuts come to fruition.

Unfortunately, the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is ignoring the needs of veterans and seniors as he pursues a radical agenda that prioritizes cuts to Social Security and Medicare and uses these programs as scapegoats for our nation’s $33 trillion national debt. Yet, Social Security and Medicare Part A do not contribute a dime to budget deficits and thus have no place in budget negotiations.

Already, he’s stated the House would vote “immediately” on creating a debt commission that could have the ability to fast-track harmful cuts to seniors’ programs. As the former chair of the Republican Study Committee, he released budget plans that included $2 trillion in cuts to Medicare and $750 billion in cuts to Social Security.

That’s why the National Committee continues to build maximum constituent pressure on lawmakers to reject any proposal that cuts Social Security and Medicare to help pay down our nation’s soaring budget deficits.

Please help us ensure your voice, as a senior American, is heard loud and clear in Washington during this time of heightened threats to your earned benefits. Sign our Emergency Petition to Congress today! 


Make a donation now to help us keep the pressure on Congress. Your continued support is essential to the National Committee's mission.

Caption: former Acting Social Security Administration Commissioner Carolyn Colvin with NCPSSM President and CEO Max Richtman

Good Bills

The National Committee endorses the “Social Security 2100 Act (H.R. 4583). This landmark bill would improve Social Security benefits and extend the solvency of the Social Security Trust Funds while not increasing taxes for anyone earning under $400,000.

Social Security is our nation’s most important social insurance program, helping keep millions of Americans out of poverty in retirement. However, Social Security is not only a retirement program for seniors; it is our nation’s largest disability and survivors’ benefit program. It provides more financial support for disabled veterans than the Department of Veterans Affairs and is the federal government’s largest permanent program for children. Social Security provides critical future financial security for younger generations, is especially important for women as beneficiaries who live the longest and earn the least and spurs economic development by pumping $1.5 trillion into the economy every year.

Unfortunately, Social Security’s benefits have not been updated in half a century. As a result, benefits have eroded, leaving millions of seniors unable to make ends meet even though they worked their whole lives and paid into Social Security. The Social Security 2100 Act provides important benefit enhancements while at the same time extending the solvency of the Social Security Trust Funds by over three decades.

Ask Us

Ask Us!

Whether you’re retired or approaching retirement, our team of experts in the field of Social Security policy is available to answer your questions about benefits.


You can either search our archives for valuable advice on a broad range of concerns or submit your question here.

This week’s question is: 

If I apply for disability and become approved, will this affect my husband's check and what about our son's check?

Click here to read the answer.

Ask Us

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Whether you’re currently retired or approaching retirement, we can help answer your questions and provide valuable advice on Social Security.

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Your support sustains our campaigns in Washington to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.

Social Security Benefits

Social Security Benefits

Learn more about the Social Security program and the policies the National Committee supports that would strengthen your earned benefits.

Social Security Backers Worry Cuts on House Speaker Johnson’s Agenda

Max Richtman, President & CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, released a statement criticizing Speaker Mike Johnson's announcement of a debt commission to scrutinize Social Security & Medicare. “It is unfortunate and disappointing that one of the Speaker’s first priorities is creating a mechanism to slash programs that American workers pay for in every paycheck." (October 27, 2023, 401K Specialist, Brian Anderson)

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Seniors, beware: Medicare open enrollment feels like 'open season' on older Americans

A bipartisan group of senators found that greed is fueling deceptive marketing practices in the Medicare Advantage market. (October 30, 2023, The Tennessean, Carol Paris)

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NY Times Op-ed Attempts to Divide the Generations to Undermine Social Security & Medicare

In this "Equal Time" edition of the blog, we push back on a recent NY Times op-ed claiming that our landmark social insurance programs are a 'burden' to younger adults, even though Millennials will depend on them even more than today's seniors do. (November 2, 2023,, Entitled to Know blog)

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'Deny, deny, deny': By rejecting claims, Medicare Advantage plans threaten rural hospitals and patients, say CEOs

Medicare Advantage plans "are taking over Medicare and they are taking advantage of elderly patients," said the CEO of one Mississippi facility. (October 31, 2023, NBC News, Gretchen Morgenson)

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More than 1 million are waiting for Social Security to process initial disability claims. The consequences are ‘devastating,’ lawmaker says

If you’ve applied for Social Security disability benefits and are still waiting for an answer, you’re not alone. (November 1, 2023, CNBC, Lorie Konish)

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Senate bipartisan proposal boon to nation’s family caregivers

Many family caregivers will tell you that coping with the stress of providing care to loved ones, is made more difficult when they are forced to navigate the confusing federal bureaucracy to identify key financial and health care programs for support. Last week, S 3109, the Alleviating Barriers for Caregivers (ABC) Act, was thrown into the legislative hopper to make it easier for more than 48 million family caregivers to obtain this information. (October 30, 2023, Rhode Island Today, Herb Weiss)

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