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Recently, we here at Shift WA got into an exchange with Democrat State Senator Marko Liias on X (formerly known as Twitter). His little fight was over our public criticism of Sen. Liias for jet-setting to Finland to – in his words – “get inspired to reduce traffic fatalities.” Of course, his holiday trip over to Europe will be covered by the taxpayer dollars. And his trip could easily be handled via a Zoom call.

Liias didn’t like that Shift WA was drawing attention to his taxpayer-funded holiday trip to Finland – or the idea that anyone would dare hold him accountable for wasting taxpayer dollars. So, he lashed out.

That only means that our new mission to encourage state officials to skip the taxpayer-funded international trip is gaining steam. We’ve been successful in garnering public attention to the issue and that’s why Sen. Liias is so peeved.

We need your help to continue highlighting how Democrats in Olympia so often waste taxpayer dollars on extremely unnecessary international trips – and the hypocrisy of it all.

Will you help us by contributing $100, $50, or even $25 today?

We fell short of last month’s fundraising goal, so your support is needed now more than ever.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team

Democrat State Senator Marko Liias told the world of his plans for jet-setting to Finland to – in his words – “get inspired to reduce traffic fatalities.”
Shift Washington

Democrat State Senator Marko Liias told the world of his plans for jet-setting to Finland to – in his words – “get inspired to reduce traffic fatalities.” Of course, his holiday trip over to Europe will be covered by the taxpayer dollars, so Shift thought it deserved some coverage.

That’s right – your taxpayer dollars will cover a state senator’s overseas trip for the purpose of “inspiration.” And he’s planning on taking a bunch of state bureaucrats and other legislators with him on the junket. Never mind that Liias’ boondoggle could easily be handled with a Zoom call.

This from a senator who, along with his fellow Leftists, claims to be very concerned about climate change and everyone else’s carbon footprints. Unfortunately, as is so often the case with Democrats, this is a clear case of their “do as I say, not as I do” hypocrisy.

We here at Shift WA have been at the forefront of drawing attention to Sen. Liias’ wasteful trip – and highlighting the hypocrisy of it all. And, it appears that Liias isn’t too happy about all the subsequent negative attention coming his way.

Liias tweeted the following Wednesday:

For the good senator, anyone who dares to criticize him, or his taxpayer-funded trip overseas, is an “extremist” of some sort. It was obvious that Sen. Liias was attempting to smear us, so we responded to him saying:

Liias responded saying:

When called out for his irresponsible behavior with taxpayer dollars, Sen. Liias apparently has plenty of time on his hands for name-calling and pathetic comebacks. Typical of the Left.

Plain and simple, we here at Shift WA have decided on a mission to encourage state officials to refrain from going on such a wasteful taxpayer-funded international trip that could easily be handled via a Zoom call. Clearly, we are having success in garnering public attention to the issue or Sen. Liias wouldn’t be so peeved about the backlash he is receiving.

But we need your help to continue highlighting how Democrats in Olympia so often waste taxpayer dollars on extremely unnecessary international trips – and the hypocrisy of it all.

Will you help us by contributing $100, $50, or even $25 today?

The truth is, we are fell short of our fundraising goal last month. We need your help right now to ensure we can continue our work of highlighting hypocrisy and holding politicians accountable.

Please consider contributing today.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team