

Keeping fossil fuels in the ground is vital to tackle the climate emergency. We must transition now into an energy system that is powered by renewables.


Like us, Ecotricity realise that we must act today to save our planet. In 2019, they became one of the first companies to declare a climate emergency and are now aiming to become net carbon neutral by 2025.


That's why we've partnered with them to help create a cleaner and greener planet. Ecotricity take the money they make from their cstomers' bills and use it to build new forms of green energy. They call this 'Bills into Mills'! 


Since they were founded in 1995, they've turned bills into:


💨 24 wind parks, home to 74 windmills

☀️ 3 sun parks

🔋Building a grid-scale battery that can store surplus renewable energy to boost supplies in times of peak demand

🌱 The country's first green gasmill that can make domestic gas from grass


For every Green Party member that switches, Ecotricity donates up to £50 to us each year. Thanks go out to all of our members and supporters who have already switched already to help build new forms of green energy. 


By switching to Ecotricity you will be helping us create a safer greener future for all. 

Thanks for your support. 


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ