Dear friend,

Please invite your MP to an important parliamentary meeting on Monday 20th November. We’ll  be bringing together experts, legislators, and people with personal stories, to show MPs why the UK urgently needs an assisted dying law.


Progress on assisted dying surrounds Westminster. The Isle of Man’s Assisted Dying Bill passed its Second Reading last week, plus Jersey, Scotland and France are moving ahead with assisted dying legislation. We are in danger of being left behind.
MPs will hear from Tina McAfferty, CEO of Tо̄tara Hospice in New Zealand which provides assisted dying alongside excellent palliative care. They’ll also hear from Barbara Shooter, who travelled to Dignitas with her husband Adrian in 2019.


This isn’t something that can be kicked into the long grass - dying people facing the horror of a bad death need urgent action. This is a mainstream, compassionate position with huge public support. MPs must recognise the need for change. 


If your MP doesn’t hear from you about this meeting, they simply won't come. Your MP needs to know this is an issue that matters to you. It’s so important that your MP hears from you because knowing how their constituents feel can shape how an MP behaves and sometimes changes their mind.


Best wishes,


Tom Davies
Director of Public Affairs


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