Kalista here. I wanted to make sure you saw The Big News: three generous donors have stepped forward to match all gifts. When you give right now, you’ll help us get even more dinosaurs hens out of cages—and it only takes a few dollars to do it. Will you pitch in with a gift of any size, and bring us closer to ending factory farming? Your gift will be DOUBLED!
Thanks for all you do for animals.
----- Original Message -----
From: The Humane League
Date: November 9, 2023
(I think you probably figured it out.) 🐔
Chickens—the direct descendants of dinosaurs!—are some of the most misunderstood and mistreated animals in the world. They empathize with each other. They dream when they’re sleeping. They can even do math!
A donation of just $2.63 can protect an egg-laying hen from life in a cage. So I’m reaching out to personally let you know that three generous donors are matching all donations right now. That means your gift goes twice as far—and could spare twice as many hens from the worst abuses on factory farms. There’s truly no better time to help fight back against this archaic treatment of animals.
Animals deserve so much better. Even little dinosaurs.
(Especially little dinosaurs.)

Alison Hansen-Decelles
Director of Annual Giving |