From New Dems Press <[email protected]>
Subject New Democrat Coalition Weekly Wrap 11/10
Date November 10, 2023 5:59 PM
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New Dem Artificial Intelligence Working Group Chair Leads Letter to Social Media and AI CEOs Raising Concerns of Deceptive Synthetic Media

Today, New Democrat Coalition Artificial Intelligence Working Group Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06) led 30 New Dems in a letter to the CEOs of leading generative AI developer companies and social media companies to raise concerns about the rise of synthetic media that is designed to manipulate or deceive online users.

The increasing ease of both creating and viewing deceptive synthetic media, including deep fakes and synthetic images, have sparked considerable concern about increased threats from adversaries or bad actors who seek to exploit this medium to spread misinformation and disinformation. This can further complicate efforts to combat false narratives about important current events related to politics, culture, natural disasters, and more.

This letter asks these companies to share information about their efforts to identify, monitor, and disclose deceptive synthetic media created using their platform and encourages these companies to collaborate with lawmakers to develop solutions that address its associated risks.

“Artificial Intelligence is changing how we live, offering new benefits but also new risks,” said New Dem AI Working Group Chair Kilmer. “As we see more synthetic online content intended to deceive users – including videos, images, and audio – it’s clear all of us need to take this seriously. It’s important that platforms where AI-generated content is created, platforms where that content is distributed and shared, and lawmakers are working together to address risks associated with deceptive synthetic media. And it’s crucial that users have the tools to distinguish between authentic and computer-generated content. Our democracy depends on it.”

The letter reads in part:

“[W]e are troubled by the development of online environments where users may have to question the veracity of the content they view online without the necessary tools, information, and resources to accurately do so. To that end, we urge efforts for generative AI developers and social media platforms to collaborate on solutions to both educate users, as well as appropriately flag and disclose synthetic media, particularly as it relates to content with the intent to deceive or manipulate users.”
READ THE LETTER & RELEASE ([link removed])
New Dem Trade Task Force Leads Effort to Grow Partnership with the Administration on a Strong, Proactive Trade Agenda

The New Democrat Coalition Trade Task Force sent a letter to President Biden outlining the Trade Task Force’s comprehensive policy plan to maintain the United States as a leader in the global marketplace and enact trade policies that will benefit American workers, consumers, growers, producers, and businesses.

In the letter, New Dem Trade Leaders describe the Task Force’s eight key objectives to build on recent progress and further strengthen U.S. trade policy:
1. Counter Competitive Threats and Abuses from China
2. Establish a Durable and Sustainable Approach to Trade
3. Return to Reciprocal Bilateral/Regional Trade Agreements
4. Strengthen the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
5. Build a More Robust Trade Relationship with Taiwan
6. Reduce Barriers to Trade that Increase Costs for Americans and Hurt U.S. Businesses
7. Promote the U.S. Digital Economy and Lead Negotiations on Agreements Related to Digital Trade
8. Support Agricultural Exports by Reducing Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers

New Democrat Coalition Trade Task Force Chair Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) and Vice Chairs Don Beyer (VA-08) and Jimmy Panetta (CA-19) released the following statement on the letter:

“Since its founding over 20 years ago, the New Democrat Coalition has been integral to the congressional consideration of every major trade initiative, including the historic and bipartisan United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

“Today, our Task Force seeks to build on this legacy by calling on the Biden administration to join New Dems in implementing our eight key policy objectives to strengthen America’s trade economy.

“New Dems are committed to advancing durable solutions to our greatest challenges – from strengthening Americas’ trade relationships and countering China’s illegal trade practices to bolstering agricultural exports and setting the global standard for digital trade.

“The New Dem Trade Task Force looks forward to working with the Biden administration and our colleagues on both sides of the aisle to build on the progress of the USMCA by delivering on these priorities.”
READ THE LETTER & RELEASE ([link removed])
New Dem Chair Kuster Statement on Vice Chair Kilmer’s Decision to Not Seek Re-Election ([link removed])
New Democrat Coalition (NDC) Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) released a statement following NDC Vice Chair for Policy Derek Kilmer’s (WA-06) announcement ([link removed]) that he will not seek re-election in 2024. Rep. Kilmer is a leader in the Coalition and previously served as NDC Chair in the 116th Congress.
NDC Artificial Intelligence Working Group Vice Chair Don Beyer Goes Back to School

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New Dem Artificial Intelligence Working Group Vice Chair Don Beyer (VA-08) sat down with CNBC to discuss his decision to enroll in classes on machine learning and computer science at George Mason University to better understand AI to help inform his work in Congress.
WATCH DON ON CNBC ([link removed])

Budzinski, Craig Introduce Bipartisan Farm to Fly Act to Expand Use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel ([link removed])
Reps. Nikki Budzinski (IL-13) and Angie Craig (MN-02) introduced H.R. 6271 ([link removed]) , the Farm to Fly Act. This bipartisan legislation creates new, robust markets for American agricultural products and strengthens domestic energy resources.

Casten Introduces Bill To Stop Sexual Harassment in K-12, Provide Funding Streams for Title IX Protections ([link removed])
Rep. Sean Casten (IL-06) introduced H.R. 6135 ([link removed]) , the Stop Sexual Harassment in K-12 Act. This legislation combats sexual harassment, assault, and sex-based discrimination occurring in K-12 schools by creating clear standards and related funding streams for schools to uphold their students' Title IX rights.

McClellan Introduces Bipartisan Soil Carbon Sequestration Legislation ([link removed])
Rep. Jennifer McClellan (VA-04) introduced H.R. 6232 ([link removed]) , the Coordination for Soil Carbon Research and Monitoring Act. This bipartisan legislation enables the federal government to advocate for the research and monitoring of soil carbon sequestration within government agencies. Research has shown that soil could store almost 5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide worldwide each year. This bill would increase the effectiveness of previous soil carbon sequestration initiatives and improve research and monitoring methods.

Torres Reintroduces Bipartisan 9-1-1 SAVES Act to Reclassify 9-1-1 Dispatchers as First Responders ([link removed])
Rep. Norma J. Torres (CA-35) reintroduced H.R. 6319 ([link removed]) , the Supporting Accurate Views of Emergency Services (SAVES) Act. This bipartisan legislation reclassifies 9-1-1 dispatchers as first responders–– giving well-deserved recognition to America’s over 100,000 9-1-1 professionals for their work to save lives.
New Dems Welcome Dr. Francis Collins to Discuss the New White House Initiative to Eliminate Hepatitis C

This week, Rep. Kim Schrier, M.D. (WA-08) hosted Former Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Dr. Francis Collins to discuss his new role leading the Biden-Harris Administration's new initiative that seeks to eliminate Hepatitis C in the United States.
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