Democracy is under attack, but there are still plenty of elections to talk about. Plus, our platform campaign and a new Our Israel profile.
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Dear Friend,

Between the Democratic primary contests and the third Israeli election, it’s been a tumultuous few weeks in politics for both Israelis and Americans. At the same time, we know there is also growing anxiety across the world over the COVID-19 virus -- including in the American Jewish community and in Israel/Palestine -- and that this is a very challenging time for all those who are dealing with or preparing to face its impact.

In the coming months, J Street will be taking all precautions we can to ensure the well-being of our staff and all those who engage with us in our work and encouraging all our supporters to do the same. As our thoughts and best wishes go out to all those most affected, we will continue to take on our vital mission.

With Israeli voters once again arriving at political deadlock, it’s still uncertain what the country’s next government will look like. But we know that no matter what, Netanyahu will remain in power for at least a while longer. As long as he’s still in the top job and Donald Trump is still in the White House, there is a very high likelihood that Israel will proceed with some form of West Bank annexation in the weeks ahead -- as the settlement movement refuses to miss out on a limited window of opportunity to carry out its long-time goal.

At J Street, we’re sounding the alarm -- mobilizing powerful opposition to annexation, support for diplomacy and commitment to Israel’s future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people. As the Democratic field consolidates after Super Tuesday, we’re making clear that we’ll do all that we can to support the eventual nominee against Trump. And we’re working with campaigns and allies across Congress and the Jewish community to ensure that the next president is prepared to oppose occupation and lead a renewed push for real peace.

We know that we face a real challenge from those who still aim to perpetuate a dangerous status quo. At the AIPAC conference, Vice President Mike Pence earned a standing ovation after calling for Trump’s reelection and praising the legitimization of illegal West Bank settlements. But we know that the vast majority of American Jews totally reject these views -- and share our Jewish and democratic values.

Standing together, our movement can help pave the way for a very different, brighter future.

Logan Bayroff
Communications Director

Around J Street

Platform campaign gathers steam

Students rallying for the change the platform campaign
In the lead up to this year’s Democratic National Convention in July, J Street and J Street U’s #ChangeThePlatform campaign continues to gather steam. The campaign urges the Democratic party to ensure that the next party platform recognizes the importance of Palestinian rights alongside support for Israel’s security, and includes clear opposition to annexation, ongoing occupation and settlement expansion.

This week, we announced that over 230 Jewish clergy and communal leaders have signed on to a public letter in support of these changes. Across the country, local chapters of the College Democrats have voted to formally endorse J Street’s platform campaign at campuses including George Washington University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins, Oregon State, Princeton, the University of Indiana, the University of Michigan and the University of Washington. In the crucial swing state of Florida, the statewide federation of the College Democrats has endorsed the campaign, noting that “we believe the Democratic Party should represent the voice of young people, which is why we are pushing the DNC to specifically include language condemning the occupation, annexation and settlement expansion in the 2020 party platform.”

The campaign has also been formally endorsed by the Democratic parties of King County, Washington and Yolo County, California. We’re expecting more announcements and endorsements in the coming weeks, and we'd like yours too. Please add your name to endorse the campaign!
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Taking On Trump and transforming US politics on Israel

VP Biden and Senator Sanders at past J Street conferences
With Super Tuesday behind us and the field of Democratic nominees down to two, J Street remains focused on our top priorities for 2020. Our first priority, through our political work and fundraising, is to do everything we can to defeat Donald Trump and elect pro-diplomacy majorities in both houses of Congress. Second, we are focused on ensuring the next president enters the Oval Office with a clear mandate to oppose the occupation, undo the damage caused by president Trump and to set the conditions for a just, viable and lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.

To do that, we continue to work with presidential candidates, members of Congress, political advisors and pundits to make clear that diplomacy-first policies are not only pragmatic, but popular and politically effective. Our work is making an impact -- and others are taking notice.

“No other Israel-related gathering over the last year and a half has garnered as much attention from the 2020 Democrats [as the J Street Conference],” The Times of Israel noted in an interview with J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami. “J Street, it appears, is playing an outsized role in setting the agenda on Middle East policy in this year’s Democratic primary.”

We’re proud of our success, but our work is far from done. J Street has committed to raising $1 million for the eventual nominee, and thanks to the amazing energy of our supporters, we’re well on our way. To learn more about the nominee fund and our other political work, you’ll need to become a member of J Street (it’s free!). You can become a member here.

Dive deeper into Israel’s election results -- and what they mean for the future

Netanyahu talking about annexation
Israel’s unprecedented third election in under a year once again resulted in political deadlock. What initially looked like a strong night for the embattled Prime Minister Netanyahu turned into much more of a mixed bag. Even after a campaign filled with vitriol and bigotry designed to rile up and unite his right-wing base, Netanyahu was left without a majority for his right-wing bloc and without a clear path to forming a government. That was thanks in large part to the historic success of the majority-Arab Joint List, which won a record 15 seats on the strength of very high voter turnout. Now we once again wait to see which parties, if any, will make the compromises necessary to form a governing coalition. In the meantime, Netanyahu awaits trial -- and continues to work with the Trump administration to coordinate steps toward annexation in the West Bank.

On Thursday, J Street’s Israel Director Yael Patir held a briefing call with former Zionist Union MK Ksenia Svetlova to discuss the results, their implications and where negotiations are likely to go from here.
Watch the briefing →

“Our Israel”: Kav LaOved

A Kav LaOved info-session
This year, J Street officially launched Our Israel, an initiative to spotlight amazing Israeli organizations and individuals who share our values and who struggle, as we do in the United States, to build and preserve a liberal, democratic society underpinned by the principles of equality, freedom, justice and peace. Over the past few months, we’ve spoken with inspiring, impactful groups including Hand in Hand, Gisha and Standing Together.

This month, we spoke with Adi Maoz, the Executive Director of Kav LaOved. Since 1991, Kav LaOved has fought to protect the rights of disadvantaged Israeli, Palestinian and migrant workers. Their vision is an Israeli society in which workers -- regardless of nationality, gender, religion or legal status -- are respected, valued and have their rights protected.
Read the profile →

Time is running out to vote in the World Zionist Congress elections

This is the final week to cast your vote to support our progressive HATIKVAH Slate in the World Zionist Congress elections. Voting ends on March 11.

Bringing together leaders from J Street, New Israel Fund, T’ruah and other allied organizations, the HATIKVAH Slate is running on a platform of social justice, democratic rights for all Israeli citizens and an end to the occupation.

We know many of our supporters are backing slates affiliated with their congregations, including ARZA and MERCAZ. What’s most important is that Jewish progressives make sure their values are represented at the WZO by voting in this election.

That’s because the WZC oversees the distribution of one billion dollars annually and is one of the best opportunities for Jewish Americans to impact what happens in Israel and beyond the Green Line. With a strong showing, we have a chance to block sources of funding for settlement expansion and bring greater transparency to Israel’s activities in the West Bank.

Note: There is a registration fee of $7.50 which covers the cost of the election.
Learn more and vote →

Must Reads

Washington Post

With vote counting finished, five ways Israel could finally get a government

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The war on Israeli democracy

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Jeremy Ben-Ami
Times of Israel

Has J Street become US Jewry’s Democratic kingmaker on Israel?

Read more →
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© 2020 J Street | | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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