John, we just hand-delivered over 165,000 petition signatures to Comcast, sending a clear message: Americans demand cable providers reject the Fox Fee.
Why? Because we’re tired of paying for Fox News’ lies.
You see, Fox charges cable companies over three times the market rate for access to their channels – and cable customers across the country are forced to foot the bill, even if we don’t watch the channel!
And John, I’m sure you know the damage Fox News has on our democracy – spreading election lies, playing defense for Donald Trump, and targeting their disinformation to communities where news access is lacking.
That’s why this year, with your help, we’ve led the charge to fight back and tell cable providers to REJECT the Fox Fee. I’m so grateful to Common Cause members like you who joined us in this fight – signing the petition, sharing your story, attending our activist meetings, and joining us in Philadelphia for our rally at Comcast’s headquarters.
At our rally, we brought our stories and petition signatures to deliver straight to Comcast staff at their headquarters.
The street corner was charged with energy and voices amplified by megaphone and conviction. Experts called out Comcast and explained why our democracy cannot afford to allow Fox News to get away with passing the Fox Fee onto cable customers. And Common Cause members shared stories of how conspiracy theories like the ones broadcast by Fox News impact their daily lives.
“I have had a couple close friends drop me because Fox told them that they shouldn’t have friends with differing opinions. An old school mate even threatened me right before Jan6 in our high school Facebook group!” - Joe C., a Common Cause activist
Comcast hearing directly from hundreds of thousands of folks like you and me is a major step in the right direction, but our work is not done yet! Fox News is still meeting with other cable companies right now to renegotiate their fees and try to push even more costs onto consumers.
We need to keep up the pressure! Check out our website to learn more, sign the petition, and spread the word.
I’m so glad to have you on our side, John.
Thanks for all you do,
Raelyn Roberson, Media & Democracy Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause