| Fellow American –
I have always known the importance of a good team. It's why I married such a phenomenal woman and surround myself with God-fearing, hard-working, driven individuals every single day.
It is no secret that my team has grown exponentially in the last several weeks. As I sit in and out of meetings and interviews, I am astounded by the good people who are willing to serve our country. In fact, I am more hopeful than ever about the future of America.
I am recruiting great American patriots who are determined to preserve the foundations this country was built on. Today I am asking you to join my team. Let me explain why before you click out of this email. JOIN SPEAKER JOHNSON'S TEAM > Why I need your help: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." As Ronald Reagan reminded us, we must always be on guard. This is especially true TODAY - as the Left is determined to dismantle the very foundations our great nation was founded upon.
Take a moment and consider what Democrats have pledged to "re-engineer" - their new favorite buzzword: voting rights, gun rights, freedom of speech, education...the list goes on.
The Left says they don't hate America, but they are working day and night to divide and destroy our country.
Their actions speak louder than their words, and I need your help to fight back and protect our republic.
As Speaker of the House, I am the new boogeyman. Democrats are coming at me with everything they have, to try and take back the House, un-seat vulnerable Republicans, and take over FULL control of Washington.
I know that saving our country from the radical Democratic agenda extends far beyond what I can do as one man, which is why I am assembling a team of foot soldiers I can rely on. I need to know you'll have my back when I need you most.
BE PART OF TEAM JOHNSON > Freedom is fragile and needs our vigilant protection. We need to expand our majority in 2024 to defend our country against the anti-American policies being pushed by the Left.
It's time to come together, work as a team, and ensure the future of our country. I can't do this without you.
For America,

Mike Johnson Speaker of the House
 As Speaker, I want to hear from you on the top issues of the day. It's important for us to deliver results for the American people.
Would you take a moment to complete my Official Speaker Survey today?
Your input is important to making sure we move America forward. I appreciate you taking the time to send me your input.
SPEAKER MIKE JOHNSON Speaker Johnson is a dedicated husband and father of four, as well as a constitutional law attorney who has devoted his life and career to fighting for the fundamental freedoms and traditional values that have always been a priority to the people of Louisiana.