Look who Sanders' other BFF's are
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Bernie Sanders: Ilhan Omar Is "One of the Greatest People I Know" ([link removed]) Sanders surrounds himself with the most radical politicians of our time Read and Watch ([link removed])
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Pentagon Failed to Properly Vet Saudi Pensacola Killer ([link removed]) Plus a legal loophole allowed him to obtain a gun Read and Share ([link removed])
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Schumer, Democrat Thugs Threaten Republicans ([link removed]) Extremist language spewed in unhinged outbursts Watch and Share ([link removed])
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DOD Linguist Charged With Revealing Intel Assets to Hezbollah ([link removed]) She had top-secret security clearance Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Rashida Tlaib’s Friend Hosts Anti-Semitic Hate Rally in DC ([link removed])
“This is Bernie Sanders' friend. It is weird how Commrade Bernie surrounds himself with anti-Semites like Ilhan Omar and Rashid Talib.”
- L.B.
Canada Refuses to Comply With Its Own Terror Law ([link removed])
“Fools surrendering to evil.”
- K.M.
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