I'll Be There Awardees 2023

Dear Friend, 


This year, as a response to the rampant wage theft and massive evictions happening, we saw our community come out and stand up for workers and tenants all over DC. Our partners: the International Union of Painter's & Allied Trades - District Council 51 (IUPAT DC 51) and the Woodner Tenants' Union (WTU) are a clear example of people power!


IUPAT DC 51 currently has over 1,500 active members representing a truly diverse and multi-talented​ workforce with over one hundred years of dedicated service in Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Vicinities.

IUPAT represents a growing force of over 160,000 active and retired workers in the United States and Canada. Their members work in the Finishing Trades as industrial and commercial painters, drywall finishers, wall coverers, glaziers, glass workers, floor covering installers, sign makers, display workers, convention and show decorators and in many more exciting occupations. 

The IUPAT membership extends far beyond the workplace, however. Recognized as one of the most active unions in the labor movement, IUPAT members help shape their communities in many ways: through an abiding commitment to service, by fighting passionately for workers’ rights that benefit all working families, and through effective and aggressive political mobilization. 

Early this year, DC tenants in many rent controlled homes where threatened with the highest rent increase in more than 30 years. This came at a time when inflation was driving up the cost of food and basic necessities for everyone. The WTU knew it was time for action, they did what they do best: organized tenants and fought back. This collective advocacy stopped evictions, advocated for a rent cap (and won!), allowed tenants to skill-share, and created an even stronger base of tenant leaders ready to step up when needed. 


The WTU prevents evictions, shares meals, fights mold and gentrification, and resists rent increases. Created in Spring 2020, early on in the Covid 19 Pandemic, the WTU developed out of an urgent need to get through a wave of unemployment, school closures, and deadly illness. Three years later, the union is going strong, growing as a community of leaders in the DC tenant struggle. By holding collective space and taking collective action, Union members and committees have built a multifaceted organization.  

DC Jobs With Justice - I'll Be There Awards
Tuesday, November 14

Festival Center * 1640 Columbia Rd NW
Open House 5:30 - 7:00 * Awards Program 7:00

Join us, IUPAT DC 51, and Woodner Tenants' Union in celebration as we highlight their amazing community-centered work with and for DC!


En la lucha,


Nadia Salazar Sandi
Organizing Director
DC Jobs With Justice