Ground Game Texas


Tuesday was a great day for direct democracy. Despite the best efforts of the Supreme Court and the Republican Party, Ohio voters adopted a constitutional right to abortion!

Here at Ground Game, we’re inspired by the perseverance of this week’s successful Ohio petition campaigns, resulting in two new laws to guarantee abortion rights and legalize recreational marijuana. They used the same tactic we’ve championed in Texas — ballot measure campaigns that go straight to the voters to adopt popular, progressive policies. 

Ballot measure campaigns are an essential tactic to activate voters. Chip in $25 today to help Ground Game launch campaigns in Dallas and other cities in 2024!

The Ohio Democrats who championed abortion rights and marijuana reform faced similar challenges to what we’ve faced. State officials abused their power to delay the process and confuse voters, just like the city and county officials who’ve opposed Ground Game’s work here in Texas. But the will of the voters prevailed.

We hope national Democrats learn from Ohio in 2024. Leading with issues—especially popular issues—is how we activate voters who feel left out of the political process. Too many Texans are cynical about candidates and political parties. But if we give them something to vote for, that will directly impact their lives, we can inspire decisive action.

Please chip in today so we can use this effective approach in Texas next year. Imagine what it would feel like, one year today, to achieve victories like Ohio did on Tuesday.

Dedicated to a better future,

Julie Oliver
Executive Director
Ground Game Texas