Bernie Sanders founded Our Revolution because he knows that the only way to defeat rising authoritarianism in the Republican Party is to break corporate control of Democratic politics and actually deliver tangible results for working people.
However, even with Donald Trump openly threatening to overthrow democracy, use the military against protestors, and more horrors than we can list here, President Biden is losing to Trump in five of the six most crucial swing states.
We proved in Tuesday’s down ballot elections that when we support progressive candidates who focus on delivering for workers and protecting our rights, we can win. Democrats need the progressive vote and our grassroots energy in 2024.
That's why, with less than a year to go until Election Day, we're urging President Biden to step up on the issues that matter most to the lives of working people. Add your name here to drive home the message to the President and the Party of how dire this is to earning trust and votes in 2024!
If we don't win the presidency in 2024, this could be our last fair election ever.
This means that there is zero margin for error and that President Biden needs to change course right now, or we will never have another chance to improve our country before it falls under the iron fist of authoritarian rule.
Please join us by clicking here to add your name to demand President Biden deliver on crucial issues of peace and prosperity — and change strategies before it's too late for America.
In solidarity,
Our Revolution
