
The presidential election campaign season has already kicked into full gear, and with a year to go before Decision Night in America, many have already begun preparing for the next administration—no matter who’s leading it. Much of that administration will depend on a huge class of young DC professionals, and some leaders are trying to make sure that class can truly shape the country.
In POLITICO, Ian Ward tells the story of American Moment, the nonprofit seeking to build a staffer base dedicated to “strong families, a sovereign nation, and prosperity for all.” Ward delves into the minds of Saurabh Sharma and Nick Solheim, the founding duo of American Moment and co-hosts of the podcast Moment of Truth.
Ward writes that Sharma and Solheim were dissatisfied with the quality of many of the younger DC professionals who had an inordinate amount of control over the direction of American policy. In response, supported by some rising Republican politicians, they organized American Moment to reshape that group of fledgling policymakers.
Today, Sharma and Solheim project they will have around 2,000 staffers in their fold by the end of the year—staffers vetted for mission alignment and capable talent. And if a Republican wins the White House next fall, these men and women will be available to step into the gap.
Read Ward’s detailed report here.
In addition to serving as American Moment's President, Yoram Hazony announced today that Saurabh Sharma will also be the Executive Director of the Edmund Burke Foundation (EBF).
Weekly Poll
RESULTS: 11/2/23
Last week, we asked: Do you think mass immigration is the leading cause of post-1970s wage stagnation? Here are the results:
[A] Yes - 29.9%
[B] No - 56.7%
[C] Unsure - 13.4%
Do you think some of the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., undermined Trump's effectiveness while he was in office?
[A] Yes
[B] No
[C] Unsure

Generally, the public views traditional economics as a bit inaccessible. Images of college classes with countless charts and curves, extremely complex formulas, and a host of little-known words and phrases might come to mind. Thus, when economic experts speak (seemingly intelligently) on how to make America better off, the common man may not know how to respond.
This “excessive abstraction” is a problem, says Helen Roy. Writing for The Blaze, Roy attempts to pull economics back to the literal roots of the word—to the individual household.
Roy discusses her impression of Erika Bachiochi’s speech at ISI’s American Economic Forum this month, which inspired her to pen this article. Roy urges readers to reconsider an economic framework as ultimately relying on the work of parents. She cites Bachiochi’s claim: to truly allow humans to flourish, nations must focus on the health of the family.
Roy connects this idea to the Fifth Commandment and a child’s duty to remember his father and mother. If America fails to remember that which made it prosperous and successful, like families, friendship, and excellence, Roy believes incomprehensible abstraction is the result.
Discover Roy’s thoughts here.

In this episode, Dr. Jerry Hendrix, a retired Navy captain and author of To Provide and Maintain a Navy, joins the podcast to talk about:
- the need for America to revitalize the US Navy and defend the “free seas”
- a deep dive into America’s foreign policy, especially the challenges posed by our three biggest adversaries: China, Russia, and Iran
- advice for students considering a life of service in the US armed forces
Texts Mentioned:

Christmas Open House
December 12th, 2023
Join ISI this Christmas and Holiday season at our Christmas Open House in our newly dedicated Linda L. Bean Conference Center.
This festive evening will feature local award-winning historian W. Barksdale Maynard from the University of Delaware. He will speak on his book The Brandywine: An Intimate Portrait. From the Battle of the Brandywine in 1777—a character-forming crucible of war for George Washington—to the rise of the Brandywine School of Art, our region has made rich contributions to American liberty, arts, and culture.
Don't miss an open bar reception, lecture, and Q&A as we celebrate the Brandywine Valley’s contributions to the American tradition!
Join us in Wilmington, DE >>>
Because our student editors and writers are bravely bringing conservative ideas to their campuses, we’re highlighting their efforts here.
BREAKING: Stanford’s Hit-and-Run “Hate Crime” is Dubious via The Stanford Review
“On Friday evening, Stanford University sent a campus-wide community notification regarding a ‘potential hate crime.’ A hit-and-run incident, which occurred earlier in the afternoon, involved a white driver who allegedly ‘accelerated and struck the victim, and then drove away while shouting ‘f*** you people.’ ... The student in question is Abdulwahab Omira, an Arab Muslim coterm from Syria... currently in the hospital after being hit by a car. However, the claim that he was a victim of a hate crime appears dubious. Students who know Omira personally refer to him as
a ‘pathological liar,’ and are deeply concerned that his story was fabricated.”
Claremont Faculty Release Statement Supporting BDS via The Claremont Independent
“A new Claremont College faculty statement on Gaza has garnered over 175 signatures since its release on October 31st. While mourning ‘all loss of human life,’ the statement’s signatories write that they are ‘especially concerned for the welfare of residents of Gaza, who have already suffered for nearly two decades under Israel’s blockade’ ... The statement also endorses the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement aimed at cutting off foreign investment in Israel.”
At Second Symposium on Witherspoon Statue, Speakers Call for Monument’s Removal via The Princeton Tory
“On Friday, November 3, the Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC) Committee on Naming held a symposium entitled ‘Monuments, Memory, and the John Witherspoon Statue’ ... in relation to the ongoing debate surrounding a campus statue of John Witherspoon, the University’s sixth president and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The statue has lately been the subject of controversy, given Witherspoon’s participation in slavery. During the event, many of the invited speakers raised the possibility of removing or replacing the Witherspoon statue, which
currently stands in Firestone Plaza.”
Indiana University may sever financial ties to controversial sex research institute via The Collegiate Commons
“The Indiana University (IU) Board of Trustees could sever ties with the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction this Thursday. The potential split will be the topic of discussion at their next meeting at the Madam Walker legacy center in Indianapolis, which could result in the controversial facility becoming its own 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.”
Official Arab BYU Club Leadership Posts Warm Comments for Hamas Terror Attack via The Cougar Chronicle
“Since the antisemitic terror attack on Oct. 7 by Hamas terrorists on Israel, a full-scale war has broken out. That day, a member of the leadership of the BYU Arab Student Association (ASA) posted supportive messages of the attack... On Oct. 7, one ASA club leader shared a post from an account known as @amani containing the following message: ‘As we speak: the highest escalation of Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation in recent memory is taking place right now... An occupied people that has been under brutal military apartheid for decades is resisting its colonizer.’” |

When one makes a mistake, one’s first instinct might be to avoid blame in any way possible. Deflect, justify, distract, ignore; they’re all strategies to make sure that someone doesn’t have to face the music. They’re all also popular at every level of modern government. This reaction, though, runs in direct opposition to a moral sense of honor.
But what does honor even mean? And is there a place for it today when so many seem to lack it? For this week’s Intercollegiate Review archive, David Hein takes on these questions and tries to present honor as a worthwhile virtue for modern America.
Hein begins by dividing honor into two definitional categories. The first simply refers to a reputation which may come from deserving glorious deeds or simply by dint of high birth. This definition has no real moral aspect and in fact could apply to immoral, selfish people. The second category, in contrast, refers to a person’s integrity and moral excellence.
It is this second meaning that Hein argues must thrive in a successful nation. Each person, Hein says, has a part in encouraging honor’s development.
“[H]onor must be cultivated from the ground up, in the little platoons,” Hein writes, urging Americans to reclaim our “worthy traditions” and bravely criticize those who behave dishonorably.
Read Hein’s entire analysis right here.
Thought of the Day:
“No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.”
- Calvin Coolidge
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