Thanks to you, Virginians stood with Democrats, and we made huge strides for progress this week.
Virginia voters stood up and said no to the Republicans’ agenda of attacks on reproductive rights, book bans, and rolling back gun safety measures. You stopped their plans to strip away our rights and freedoms and you elected some pretty incredible Democrats in the process.
Take a look for yourself at a few of the folks we helped elect:

Every single time my team and I sent you a call for help – whether that was to support a candidate in battlegrounds like Richmond and Hampton Roads or to fund a candidate being attacked by the GOP’s dark money machine – you stepped up.
This week, Virginians stood for freedom. I couldn’t be more grateful for this grassroots team.
Now we get to reap the rewards – and then we turn to the next fight. Donate today to help Virginia Democrats make historic progress for our state.
This is all because of you. Thank you.
- Mark Warner