In the midst of the tremendous pain, grief, anger, and fear that so
many of us are feeling right now, this week’s election results brought
me real joy and hope. And with Election Day 2024 just under a year
away, they also sparked a question:
How do we want to feel a year from now, on Election Day 2024?
I yearn to feel a sense of accomplishment, joy, and
relief, knowing that American Jews and our allies successfully
defeated the MAGA Republicans that endanger all of us and elected the
strongest ever progressive bench in Congress.
To power our election work and make this vision real, we need
early investment from supporters like you.
one-year countdown starts now. Donate $18 today to jumpstart our 2024
election work.
What’s at
There is a very real
possibility of MAGA control of our federal
government — Trump back in the White House with an undivided
GOP Congress, enabled by a right-wing Supreme Court already intent on
rolling back our basic rights.
The future the MAGA movement and the Republican party want to build
is a future where our multiracial Jewish community and all other
groups targeted by white supremacy are not safe. And
the damage they would do to our safety, our democracy, and our shared
future would be generational.
None of this is exaggeration or hyperbole. The stakes could not be
Now for the good news. Like in 2020, we have a plan to mobilize
American Jews alongside our neighbors, allies, and partners to win BIG
in 2024. As Bend the Arc’s Washington Director, I'm writing to you
today, Friend, to share that plan.
How we'll win:
We’re investing in high impact races and candidates:
- where our Jewish grassroots
mobilization can make a difference on the ground,
- where high voter engagement and turnout
can help tip the scales for races up and down the
- where there is the potential to
expand progressive power, and
- where a win can make a difference in
the balance of power in Washington.
This election will be decided by voter turnout. And starting now,
we’re mobilizing around key races in places like Pennsylvania, North
Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, and Georgia.
The power, strength, and
dedication of our movement — when we show up in full
force alongside our partners — makes me feel hopeful about the work
we’ll do together over the next year.
What it will
The stakes are high, and we have big plans and an amazing movement
of Jews and allies like you who care so much about this fight. But our
work to train volunteers around the country, support
candidates, turn out voters, and shape the narrative of this
election requires resources.
you rush a gift of $18 today as an early supporter of our 2024
election work?
I really mean it when I say that none of this will be possible
without generous support from people like you. Thank you so much for
being with us in this fight.
In solidarity,
Rabbi Jason Kimelman-Block
Washington Director, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action
PS: Can you forward this email to
three people to help grow our
movement ahead of 2024? Building power now will help
us get an early start in our 2024 election work.
