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Your REC is hosting an OPEN HOUSE on Friday, November 10 from 5-9PM.

Come and see the changes made, the bright meeting spaces, the IRC-REC Store and enjoy a conversation with the Board members and volunteers while having some light refreshments including hot dogs, cookies, 'square' deviled eggs and more !

ALL volunteers, REC members, guests, family members, neighbors, church acquaintances, walk-ins are welcome !

865 20th Place in Vero Beach

Intersection of 20th Place and Ninth Ave

If you are planning to bring food & refreshments, please contact Joann Binford with the details:

[email protected]

Invite your family, friends and neighbors...

Flag Disposal per VFW Website

  • 1. The flag should be folded in its customary manner. 
  • 2. It is important that the fire be fairly large and of sufficient intensity to ensure complete burning of the flag.
  • 3. Place the flag on the fire.
  • 4. The individual(s) can come to attention, salute the flag, recite the Pledge of Allegiance and have a brief period of silent reflection.
  • 5. After the flag is completely consumed, the fire should then be safely extinguished and the ashes buried.
  • 6. Please make sure you are conforming to local/state fire codes or ordinances.

‘Built and donated 

By Joseph Scotto

  A True Patriot’


This receptacle for old and faded flags is NOW in the foyer of the IRC-REC.

Flags must be properly folded before placing in the box at HQ. Ask ANY Boy Scout or veteran for assistance folding them.

The flags will be presented to the local VFW in Sebastion as the occasion arises.

'Life" in the Gaza Strip

The average household earns around $6,000 a year. Any items smuggled in must pay a 20% 'tax' [better known as extortion or bribe] to Hamas.

There is intermittent electricity available, the water system has been 'looted' for steel water pipes to make rockets and the largest reserve of fuel is being held by Hamas for military purposes.

BTW: These are the major 'players in Gaza [US]

Abu Marzuk - personal wealth $3 Billion [US]

Khaled Mashal - personal wealth $4 billion [US]

Ismail Haniyeh - Personal wealth $ 1 Billion [US]

[ NONE of whom actually live in Gaza!?! ]

Peter A. Heilemann

IRC-REC Secretary

1,000+ Words

1,000+ Words

1,000+ Words

1,000+ Words

News From Here, There and Everywhere

Why is San. Fran. Cleaning Up their Streets ?

Why No Israeli Sponsored Cease Fire ?

Why BDS Is So Very Wrong...

Why BLM Is So Very Wrong...

Ben Shapiro Shuts Down Pro Hamas Student

What If They All Had Guns ? ? ?

While the IRC-REC does not endorse any candidate before primaries nor promotes local businesses, you might be interested in a book signing event at the Vero Beach Book Club this Sunday highlighting Brian Kilmeade's new book, 'Teddy & Booker T' which chronicles these two men, President Teddy Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington trying to fight racial inequality in the US in the early 1900's.

Brian Kilmeade Book Signing

New Logo

Republican Headquarters:

865 20th Place

Vero Beach, FL 32960

Phone: 772-492-8394

CHAIR, Rev. Dr. John Vacchiano

772-532-6400 --- [email protected]

VICE CHAIR, Lamarre Notargiacomo

772-559-1986 --- [email protected]

SECRETARY, Peter A. Heilemann

603-276-0717 --- [email protected]


401-255-3681 --- [email protected]


772-696-1665 --- [email protected]           


727-385-4412 --- [email protected]

Paid for by the REC of Indian River County.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Be sure to visit our website:

Peter A. Heilemann


Indian River County Republican Executive Committee

***Unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive REC emails. If you do unsubscribe you will not be able to use the same email address if you want to once again receive emails from us.

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