From The Future of Freedom Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject FFF Daily - November 9, 2023
Date November 9, 2023 4:25 PM
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A free society, by nature, is an individualist society. It leaves people free to pursue their own interests, through voluntary trade with others, and leaves them responsible for choosing their own course in life. A free society allows, encourages, and even depends on people who can define the values that give their lives meaning, and then pursue these values autonomously. It relies on people who are entrepreneurs in their own lives, who are capable of thinking for themselves, who have a sense of self-ownership, and the drive to make the most of themselves and their opportunities.

– David Kelley
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November 8, 2023
Israeli Officials Are Right About Hiroshima and Nagasaki ([link removed])
In an effort to justify the Israeli government’s massive infliction of death and destruction on the people of Gaza, the New York Times reports ([link removed]) that “Israeli officials privately invoked the 1945 U.S atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” in conversations with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken....
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The Classical Economists: Jean-Baptiste Say and John Stuart Mill ([link removed]) by Jacob G. Hornberger and
Richard M. Ebeling
The Future of Freedom Foundation
US Sanctions and the Theatre of Humanitarian Concern ([link removed])
by Joy Gordon
Le Monde Diplomatique
The New Merchants of Death ([link removed])
by Bill Astore
Bracing Views
Israel Alone in Supporting the US Embargo of Cuba ([link removed])
by Ted Snider
How Long Can America Maintain a War Economy? ([link removed])
by John Feffer
Foreign Policy In Focus
Unconstitutional: U.S. Presidents Restrain Personal Liberty, Kill with Impunity ([link removed])
by Andrew P. Napolitano
Washington Times
When Will Politicians Learn that Banning Cigarettes Will Never Work? ([link removed])
by Stephen Moore
Orange County Register
Drug War Stats ([link removed])
by Drug Policy Alliance
End DEI ([link removed])
by Bari Weiss
Face Mask Mandates Persist, Despite Stupidity, for Marxist Strategy ([link removed])
by Cheryl K. Chumley
Washington Times

Our Potemkin Presidency ([link removed])
by James Bovard
The Founding Fathers sought to create a government that would be under the law and under the Constitution. Since World War One, presidents have ...
The Austrian Economists and Classical Liberalism ([link removed])
by Richard M. Ebeling
The Austrian School of Economics has been widely identified with classical-liberal and free-market ideas. This is especially the case in the writings of Ludwig ...
How Austrian Economics Impacted the Life of Joseph Salerno ([link removed])
by Joseph T. Salerno
Professor Joseph T. Salerno tells his personal story of how he discovered Austrian economics ...
Authoritarians Drunk on Power ([link removed])
by John W. Whitehead
We have arrived at the dystopian future depicted in the 2005 film V for Vendetta, which is no future at all. Set in the year...
The Classical Economists: David Ricardo ([link removed])
by Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling
In this week's Libertarian Angle, Jacob and Richard discuss the significance of the classical economist David Ricardo. Go ...
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The Libertarian Angle ([link removed])
Thursday, November 9, 2023
World Wide Web
Speaker: Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
FFF Conference: ([link removed]) How Austrian Economics Impacted My Life ([link removed])
Thursday, November 9, 2023
World Wide Web
Speaker: Richard M. Ebeling
The Libertarian Angle ([link removed])
Thursday, November 16, 2023
World Wide Web
Speaker: Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling

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