Dear Friend,
The future is looking dire for monarchs. Don’t let Bayer-Monsanto wreak havoc on these butterflies, people, and our planet. Make your $27 gift now.
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This is urgent: Arizona saw a 50% DECLINE in monarch sightings this fall compared to last year.
Each fall, monarch butterflies embark on their epic migration to their wintering grounds in Mexico. And for many, their beautiful black and orange wings are an indicator that the fall season is upon us. But as production of butterfly-harming Roundup continues, we’re seeing fewer and fewer of these backyard beauties. That’s because Roundup’s main ingredient, glyphosate, is harming monarchs, our health, and our planet. So we have to get it OUT of our environment before monarchs are lost forever. Friend, donate $27 today and help us reach our $5,200 goal to help protect monarchs, people, and the planet!
Why is glyphosate so bad for monarchs? Well, monarch butterflies rely on a vital plant to ensure their species’ survival -- milkweed. It’s the ONLY food source for monarch caterpillars. And it’s the only plant that monarchs lay their eggs on. But glyphosate is wiping out milkweed. And no milkweed means no baby monarchs!
Pollinator-killer Bayer-Monsanto knows the cost our pollinators are paying while they rake in the profits. But still, glyphosate is the most widely used pesticide in the world. All the while, monarch butterfly populations are plummeting, and people exposed to products like Roundup are facing health risks. Friends of the Earth is putting everything we have into protecting our ecosystems and planet from toxic pesticides, but we need your support to make an impact.
Monarchs must be protected before we lose them forever. Donate $27 today and help us reach our $5,200 goal for the future of monarchs, people, and the planet!
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A recent study highlighted a frightening fact: every single sample of milkweed collected was contaminated with pesticides -- one-third with levels deadly to monarchs. Young monarchs are hatching on milkweed coated with toxic pesticides, and their first meal may be their last.
As it stands, Roundup usage shows no signs of slowing. In fact, the use of Bayer-Monsanto's Roundup increased by over 2,600% from 1987 to 2016. And as a result, milkweed plants are being virtually wiped out across the monarch’s migration path.
But Bayer-Monsanto doesn’t seem concerned about harming butterflies, our health, and our planet as long as it gets its payday. What’s worse -- the corporation knows how dangerous its product is. It’s even gone so far as to MANIPULATE science to keep Roundup stocked and selling. And it’s lying to consumers, too.
That’s right, Friend. The dangers of glyphosate reach beyond monarch butterflies. Glyphosate has been linked to severe health concerns, like hormone disruption, shortened pregnancy, and even cancer. And it might surprise you to learn that children are the most AT RISK! You see, glyphosate is found in many foods, and it is being sprayed on lawns, gardens, and parks. So children playing outdoors are being exposed to this toxic chemical.
Bayer-Monsanto can’t get away with this. Roundup is causing extensive harm that must be stopped before it's too late. How long will we let the pesticide industry operate this way, putting people, pollinators, and the planet in harm’s way?
Monarchs, children, and the planet shouldn’t pay the price for corporate greed. Donate $27 today before it’s too late!
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At Friends of the Earth, we are taking the fight to Congress, the Biden administration, and corporations. We’re advocating for our elected leaders to pass the Saving America’s Pollinators Act and to ban the use of key toxic pesticides. We’re pushing for monarchs to be listed and receive full protections under the Endangered Species Act. And we’re demanding retailers like Home Depot and Lowe’s stop selling Roundup in their stores and online.
In short, we are fighting on every front to save these pollinators. But Friend, we need you by our side as we ramp up our efforts to save monarchs from extinction and protect our planet.
To put it bluntly, our health and planet are paying the price for the greed of companies like Bayer-Monsanto. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today. The stakes are too high to wait a minute more to take action. Young monarch butterflies don’t have a safe food source, and they’re dying soon after hatching. Meanwhile, monarchs are running out of places to lay their eggs in the first place. Monarch populations are in freefall -- the time to act is now, while there are still monarchs left to save.
With each passing day, and as toxic pesticide use grows, we may only get the rarest glimpses of these beautiful butterflies. Future generations may never experience the beauty of seeing a monarch butterfly on a fall day. Will you be one of the 21 people in your area today that will make a membership contribution today to help protect monarchs, people, and the planet?
Help us stand up to Bayer-Monsanto and protect monarchs, people, and our planet. Donate $27 and help us reach our $5,200 goal before midnight!
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Standing with you,
Kendra Klein
Deputy director of science,
Friends of the Earth