John, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: Egos in Washington are out of control.
It's a major problem. People in Washington love taking credit for things they didn't do.
Take my election to the Senate for example: Anyone with half a brain knows why I serve in the Senate. It's because of the great people of Missouri. Hard-working people who wanted someone in the Senate who would represent their values. I am accountable to God, my family, and the good people of Missouri.
Mitch McConnell came after me in a closed-door meeting because he is threatened. Threatened that his decades in Washington building relationships with corporations, expanding his own power, and picking winners and losers in states all across the country could come to a screeching halt.
He’s afraid that everyday people could have more of a say about what happens in their states than he does.
But McConnell and others in Washington are trying to take credit for my election.
They tout their super PACs and their decades in D.C., but they ignore the truth: My campaign was, is, and will always be people first.
Grassroots support is the lifeblood of the conservative movement and the lifeblood of my team. If you believe small-dollar donors can make a difference, please help fund my grassroots campaign. If you believe millionaires, super PACs, and corporations shouldn’t just get to pick winners and losers, become a part of this Missouri movement. |