Tell Biden: Stop This Massive Toxic Methane Project!



CP2 is a new methane gas export terminal proposed on Louisiana's Gulf Coast. If this toxic project is approved by the Biden administration, it would emit 190 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year — the same as more than 50 new coal-fired power plants. 

But President Biden has the power to stop it. 

The project is part of an unprecedented buildout of methane gas export facilities in the U.S. Gulf Coast that damage local Gulf Coast communities and their health, skyrocket energy prices, enrich fossil fuel CEOs, and drive the climate closer to collapse. 

Join us in urging President Biden to signal his commitment to our climate and communities by rejecting the application for CP2!

The climate crisis is already harming people in the U.S. and around the world — every record-breaking heatwave, intensified storm, and raging wildfire signals the urgent need for a rapid shift in U.S. energy and climate policy. New export facilities would run for 30 to 40 years. If built, CP2 will emit methane for decades.  We cannot afford more fossil fuel projects to emit more climate-warming pollution. 

These polluting projects are proposed in communities that have been forced to bear the burden of industrial pollution, health harms, and safety hazards for decades and are on the frontlines of the bigger hurricanes and storms fueled by climate change. Irreversible damage is being done at home so greedy companies can line their pockets with profits from buyers overseas.

Will you add your name demanding Biden reject this dirty and dangerous methane export facility?

It's past time to stop the fossil fuel industry expansion and prioritize communities and clean, renewable energy.

In solidarity,

Allison Woolverton 
Federal Fossil Fuels Campaign Manager, Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

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