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Thursday, November 9th, 2023


Imminent Bankruptcy of the US Government

Doug Casey

The Worldwide Corona Pandemic. The Most Devastating Crisis in Human History

Michel Chossudovsky

Dr. Peter Hotez and the Inversion of Reality

John Leake

80% Of Population Takes Psychiatric Drugs and Gets Worse

Peter R. Breggin, MD

The Two Defining Tragedies of Our Time

Tucker Carlson

Should We Celebrate Veterans?

Laurence M. Vance

There’s No Easy Way Out of This Debt Spiral

Ryan McMaken

Covid Was an Orchestrated Event

Paul Craig Roberts

Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us

John & Nisha Whitehead

Russia’s Public Pivot to Palestine

Pepe Escobar

Pope Has ‘Uttered Plenty of Material Heresies’: Former Vatican Doctrinal Head

T. S. Flanders

The Evolving Battle Lines in the Middle East

Tom Luongo

Political Theatre

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