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State Chair's Corner
Aloha Republicans,

As your Chair, I'm reaching out with excitement and a call to action as we approach a pivotal time for our party and our nation. We are embarking on the road to the 2024 Presidential Race, and it's time to raise our voices through involvement and commitment.
Presidential Caucus: A Call to Engage - We have two Presidential candidates officially on the ballot. The power to influence their success lies in your hands. Participate in the Presidential caucus and ensure your preferred candidate is successful. We are awaiting possibly two more Presidential candidates by the end of the week. For more information and updates as they happen click HERE.

Fundraisers to Build Our Future - Our efforts to strengthen our party continue with two upcoming fundraisers. Join us on the Big Island on Sunday November 19th, and let's celebrate the season of joy at our Christmas Red and White event on Saturday December 16th. These gatherings are not just about fundraising; they're about fellowship and resolve. 

Vice Chair Positions and Your Leadership - The positions of Vice Chair of Coalitions and Communications are crucial. I've received the names of three dedicated members for VC Coalitions position - Mike Jauch, Sheryl Bieler, and Jacob Wiencek. Additionally, the VC Communications position is now open and your input is invaluable. We are now accepting nominations for the VC Communications seat. 

Addressing Our Financial Foundation - The daunting building debt of over $32K we inherited is being actively addressed. Thanks to joint efforts, management, and the GROW program's promise, we're not just lowering our debt, we are elevating our potential. We  see hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. We still face challenges with legal fees and back taxes, but we are addressing these issues and working closely with the point of contacts in these areas. We need to approach these issues with unity rather than blame, inviting those who've served to aid in our financial recovery. 

Uniting for Our Common Cause - Now is the moment for those who pledged support—win or lose—to step forward. We need your energy and enthusiasm. The Oahu League of Republican Women's generosity is a testament to the spirit that will see us through our deliberation: to preserve our headquarters or ponder an  alternative path.

Dates to Remember  
  • November 16th: State Committee meeting – a platform for your voice.
  • December 16th: Christmas party – celebrate with joy and community.
  • May: State Convention – a significant event to shape our leadership and policies. 
  • 2024: We are also working on guests for our Prince Kuhio and Lincoln Dinner.
  • Mini Fundraisers: We will be doing a few fun fundraisers at the Headquarters.
We purchased a new tent to add to the festivities of our gatherings. 

We stand at the edge of change, with election integrity and grassroots initiatives at the forefront. It's time for all hands on deck. 

Please, mark your calendars, visit our new website at for the latest updates, and join us in this  journey of change.
Mahalo for your support. Together, let's rally for our candidates, attract new members, obtain donations, and secure the change we demand for our Party, State, and Country. 

Warmest Regards,

Tamara McKay
Chair, Hawaii Republican Party
For Planning Purposes

1. Candidate Recruitment Training Reminder

2. Parental Rights

3. Precinct Committee Strategy
4. Elections 2024

The integrity of elections is a concern of all citizens, and although official observers may represent particular candidates, political parties or specific-purpose political action committees, their main interest is in the conduct of a fair and honest election.

Official observers and watchers serve as the “eyes and ears” of the public by testing and certifying the voting equipment and monitoring operations at each counting center and voter service centers.  

Counting Centers are operated by the State Office of Elections where mail in and drop box voted ballots are opened, sorted, tabulated, counted, and audited. There is one counting center in each County. The volunteer positions at the State Counting Centers are:
  • Ballot Opening: This team opens the ballot return envelopes and removes the ballots for counting.
  • Duplication: This team tracks defective ballots and recreates one-for-one duplicates to count.
  • Manual Audit: This team confirms the election results ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the voting equipment.
  • Official Observer: As the “eyes and ears” of the public, Official Observers test the voting equipment, monitor the handling of ballots, and ensure Counting Center Officials follow standard operating procedures.
  • VBC Processing: This team controls the counting, tabulation, and security of the voted ballots.
To volunteer, complete the State Office of Elections volunteer intake form

Voter Service Centers (VSC) operated by each County Elections Division and available for in-person voting, registration of new voters, updating of current voter records, and to provide assistance to voters with special needs. VSC watchers are appointed by the political party to monitor the conduct of the election at the voter service centers. There may only be one watcher per political party in the voter service center at a time.  A designated alternate watcher may relieve another watcher as long as there is no more than one watcher per party at a voting service center. Deadline to submit VSC Watchers is July 20, 2024 for the Primary election and October 16, 2024 for the General election. Stay tuned for our recruiting announcement.
Important Links
Elections 2024
  • Candidate Recruitment - Our Vice Chair of Candidate Recruitment and Training Teri Savaiinaea is actively recruiting for the 2024 elections, submit the name of a potential candidate HERE.
  • Election Integrity - Want to learn more about our election integrity efforts, join our Election Integrity Committee weekly meetings by contacting Adriel Lam at [email protected].
  • Volunteer - To be a State Counting Center Official Observer complete the Office of Elections volunteer intake form. 

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