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Hi Friend,
Callum is taking a post election break this week (and he
surely deserves it!), so I've taken the helm to fight for taxpayers as
we wait and see what the new government will look like (and, more
importantly, what pre-election promises are actually followed through
In this week's edition, we have the first post-election poll
(it seems New Zealanders are warming to the idea of "Prime Minister
Christopher Luxon"), continue to tackle outright waste and lack of
accountability in local government, and tackle the very thorny issue
of vaping regulation vs the government's financial incentive to keep
people addicted to smoking.
A $200k "golden goodbye" for CEO who got the job with a
false CV
Last week the Taxpayers’ Union was contacted by The Press
newspaper following up an old story about a former CEO of Christchurch City
Holdings, Tim Boyd, having allegedly lied about his work history to
get the job heading Christchurch City Council's investment
It turns out that the former CEO received a $200,000 payout after just six months on
the job, two months of which he was on leave! It is also alleged
that he is wanted in the USA over unresolved drink driving
The $200,000 payout, equivalent to the rates bill of 66
Christchurch ratepayers, appears more reminiscent of a lottery win
than a disciplinary action for alleged dishonesty towards an
Mr Boyd's short-lived tenure, earning a lofty annual salary of
$430,000 despite the apparent circumstances raises serious questions
about the CCO’s recruitment practices – especially with the string of resignations at the organisation last
year it is clear that Councillors should be demanding answers.

CCHL CEO, Tim Boyd
We say that no public employee being paid more than a
Cabinet Minister should be receiving a payout for what looks, on the
face of it, a justified dismissal!
After the story was published, we were contacted by Tim Boyd who
disputes the Stuff account in full (including that he’s been
fraudulent or otherwise acted unethically). But he also says he is
covered by a gag clause – despite the Council clearly briefing the
media that Mr Boyd was shown the exit because of the honesty
So which is it? A Council covering-up a wider agenda to get rid of
a CEO? Or a CEO that should never have been hired in the first place?
Either way, this is a terrible look for Christchurch City Council –
and your humble Taxpayers' Union will keep digging...
Where is the accountability for failure? Inflation remains sky
high, but Adrian Orr gets his bonus
anyway! 📈 💥

If you or I missed our targets at
work for more than two years, we’d be out the door quicker than a rat
up a drainpipe, but we've discovered that the normal rules don’t apply
at the Reserve Bank.
For 29 months,
Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr, has failed to get inflation within
the target rate set for him. The whole idea of the independent reserve
bank is to avoid politicians manipulating the setting of the Official
Cash Rate (which is the cost of borrowing for the banks, and therefore
affect interest rates) so as not to 'overheat' the economy and run
economic booms and busts around the electoral cycle.
But it doesn't take an expert in
monetary policy to tell you that the current governor is the worst
(and most outrageously political) governor of the Bank, in 40+
Independence is
one thing, but we face a situation where the governor is unwilling (or
unable?) to do his job - we say it's time for Adrian Orr to move
You had one job, Adrian! 🤦
Not only has Adrian Orr ballooned out
inflation, he's keen for the Bank to work on everything else, but,
well, their job.
Instead of speeches on monetary policy, Adrian Orr
has been flying around the world to give speeches about climate change
and comparing the financial sector to a forest with himself as Tāne
Mahuta – the god of the forest (yes, seriously,
you couldn't make this up).
And Grant Robertson's ol' mate Adrian shows no sign of changing
tack: Last week, Orr gave a speech on inflation and how the Bank
plans to get on top of New Zealand's cost of living crisis
climate change at the 'Chapter Zero NZ'
Despite disastrously failing to control
prices and continuing to stray outside of his responsibility, Adrian
Orr still managed to bag himself a $20,000 pay rise this year putting his salary now at a very nice $853,810 – almost 13
times the average New Zealand wage and nearly double that of the Prime
We say the next Minister of Finance needs to
make clear: do your job Adrian or get a new one. New Zealand needs a boring, old
school, inflation-busting central banker. A Don Brash, or Roderick
Deane, not a Greta Thunberg.
NEW POLL: National/ACT/NZ First hold Governing position,
Luxon shoots ahead to become easily the preferred PM
The first political poll since the election, is good news for
Prime Minister-elect Christopher Luxon. Here are the headline

National is down slightly to 37% (-1.1 points) and Labour is
up to 28.3% (+1.4 points) when compared with the election result. This
is the fifth month in a row that Labour remains below 30%. ACT is down
to 8.1% (-0.5 points), the the Greens are up to 13.8% (+2.2 points)
while NZ First drops slightly to 6% (-0.1 points). The
results for the smaller parties are over on our
On these results, National, ACT and NZ First are ahead by a
slightly smaller margin than the election.
Here is how these results would
translate to seats in the Parliament:

National is down 2 seats on the election result to 46 seats
and Labour gain 1 to 35. ACT is down 1 to 10 seats while the Greens
are up 2 to 17. New Zealand First and the Māori Party remain steady on
8 and 6 seats respectively.
The combined projected seats for the Centre-Right (now
including NZ First) of 64 seats is down 3 from the election result
while the the combined seats for the Centre-Left bloc of
58 is up 3.
We now have a larger Parliament due to the two overhang seats
created from the Māori electorates, but this result would still allow
National/ACT/NZ First to form a government.
Good news for Luxon: shoots ahead as 'Preferred

Christopher Luxon has risen in this month’s preferred PM
measure to 33% (+4 points). Chris Hipkins dropped substantially to 18%
(-9 points). David Seymour remains unchanged at 4% while 5.6% of
people would still prefer Jacinda Ardern! (the preferred prime
minister question is unprompted, so the pollsters note whatever name
the participant says, rather than giving them options).
Chloë Swarbrick is up 0.2 points to 6.3%, Winston Peters is
up 0.7 points to 5.0%, Nicola Willis drops 1.2 points to 1.3%, James
Shaw is up 0.2 points to 1.4%, and Matt King has dropped 0.3 points to
0.4%. Marama Davidson has dropped 0.8 points to 0.4% while Chris
Bishop has increased 0.5 points to 0.6%.
information, including 'country direction' data, and details of how to
get access to the full polling report with demographic breakdowns is
Congratulations Casey! 🎉

With special votes counted, we now officially know who the new
entrants to Parliament will be (subject to the few recounts).
Included in the class of 2023 is our very own Casey Costello
(pictured) who is a former chair of the Taxpayers' Union Board – we
congratulate Casey on her success.
Parliament's "new kids on the block"

We have written to the latest intake of MPs offering our support in
helping them advocate for Lower Taxes, Less Waste and More
Accountability – no matter which political party they belong to.
We will work with and support any MP on policy or members bills
that furthers this mission.
We also reminded them (including Casey!) that we are here to hold them to
account for the decisions they make about taxpayer money. So
welcome to Wellington! 😉
"Fiddling won't cut it – Fundamental Reform is

won't cut it – Fundamental Reform is Required"
Those were the words of advice from Taxpayers' Union board member
(and former Finance Minister) Ruth Richardson for the next Minister of
Now that a new Government is merely a matter of paperwork,
we need real and comprehensive reform that sets New Zealand on a new
path towards prosperity and growth. Under Helen Clark, John Key, and
Jacinda Ardern the gap between New Zealand and Australia continued to
We shouldn't settle for being the poor cousin to Australia –
looking over the ditch at what they can (and we can't) afford. We say
Mr Luxon needs to get us on a new path, and get to work and deliver on
his mandate from voters to slash wasteful spending, cut red tape, and
unwind the damage of big, dumb, high-cost government.
Along with scrapping Labour's expensive and undemocratic
policies of the past three years, we also need comprehensive reform.
That means slashing the size of the public service and reshaping it to
be focused on delivery rather than serve the interests of the
bureaucracy in Wellington.
With a 68% increase in Government spending since 2017 and
nothing to show for it, it’s time to live within our means and force
Wellington to embrace private enterprise, localism, and lean,
efficient, accountable government. Only then can Nicola Willis
balance the books, stop the Debt Clock, and get New Zealand 'back on
minutes of Ruth should be compulsory viewing for every new MP and
Fighting back against World Health Organisation's campaign for
Australian-style vape ban 💨
Later this month, thousands of bureaucrats from around the world (and a handful
from New Zealand) will be meeting in Panama to discuss World Health
Organisation proposals to all but outlaw vaping. Sounds noble, but
it's another case of prioritising good intentions over real
New Zealand is one of the most successful counties in recent years
at getting smokers to quit. How did we do it? Vaping.
But now the WHO and governments from around the world are trying to
gang up and force Australian-style vaping bans regulations on all
We're beating Australia! But WHO wants us to copy them
anyway! 😒🇺🇳
Compared to New Zealand, Australia has failed to slash smoking
rates. Australia is one of the only countries with higher tobacco
taxes than New Zealand, but unlike New Zealand their smoking rates
remain high. That's because they, in effect, ban vaping – the
companies that sell nicotine patches successfully lobbied for this,
and the Australian Government is just as addicted to the huge revenue
stream smokers generate.
An Australian-style ban on vaping would mean even more power and
money to illegal criminal gangs, worse health outcomes for those
trying to quit smoking and even more costs imposed on all taxpayers
through increased crime as the black market for tobacco continues to
grow. Already, one in eight cigarettes smoked in New Zealand is
from the criminal market, imagine how
many more smokers will be going to the gangs when the WHO slash the
nicotine content of legal/regulated cigarettes while simultaneously
making it harder to switch to the safer and cheaper alternative –
So taxpayer groups around the world are joining forces with
independent smokefree groups to resist what the WHO is trying to
Vaping has already helped tens of thousands of New Zealanders
successfully quit cigarettes and our smoking rate is now one of the
lowest in the world putting us well on the pathway to our smoke-free
goals: we should be selling the success story, not selling out to big
In New Zealand, credit where credit is due. Helen Clark's
anti-smoking group "ASH" has long pointed out that vaping is the most
successful smoking cessation tool yet.

The WHO – despite the sea of evidence, and anti-smoking
groups lining up with unlikely friends from the taxpayer movement –
have failed to justify their claims when challenged. They have instead
opted to cloak the conference in secrecy by limiting who can even see
the conference agenda!
you're a vaper (or smoker hoping to quit), we've created a simple
email tool that allows you to email New Zealand’s WHO delegates
and urge them to take an evidenced-based approach to tobacco
harm-reduction rather than giving in to the pressure from WHO
bureaucrats and countries who export tobacco plants. Use our
fully-customisable email tool at www.NoVapeBan.nz
One more thing: although I am a huge fan of vaping for the reasons
above, as a parent I worry too about kids taking up vaping. But the
two aren't mutually exclusive. The short point is, do we want to force
vaping underground as it is in Australia, or actually ensure the age
restrictions are in place and enforced? (the government is clearly
currently doing a terrible job at that!).
Taxpayer Talk: Dr Oliver Hartwich On How The Incoming
Government Should Reform The Public Service

This week on Taxpayer Talk, I sat down with
the Executive Director of The New Zealand
Initiative, Dr Oliver Hartwich, to discuss how the
incoming Government should reform the public service. Despite a
mandate for change and a desire to unwind many of the policies of the
previous Government, the new National-led government may face
challenges with navigating the complex and bloated bureaucracy of the
public service – something that may prove to be a roadblock to
much-needed reform.
In the podcast, Dr Hartwich discusses a range of potential
ways to make the public service function better under the new
Government ranging from bringing forward the retirement of the Public
Service Commissioner, to bringing the Commissioner under direct
ministerial oversight as part of the Department of Prime Minister and
Cabinet, to establishing ministers' offices in the relevant government
departments rather than in the Beehive.
to the podcast by clicking here. You can also listen to Taxpayer
Talk on Apple
Podcasts, Spotify, Google
Podcasts, iHeart
Radio and all good podcast apps.
One more thing 👀
With the coalition agreement due to be released soon, our team is
likely to have some big battles ahead opposing pork-barrel politics
and whatever sweeteners the new Government decides to throw at their
special interest groups. Unlike many of those pushing for more
handouts, the Taxpayers' Union is 100% funded by our supporters and
does not take Government/taxpayer funding. To fuel our work, click
here to make a confidential donation.

Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’
RNZ What
stands in the way of the ACT Party plan for a referendum on the Treaty
of Waitangi
Otago Daily Times Uni
travel budget blows out The Press Disgraced
former CEO got a $200,000 ‘golden kiss goodbye’
Conversation National
drops 2 seats on NZ final results, and will need NZ First to
form government
Stuff Inside
the National caucus, MPs are frustrated and want a radical
The Platform Wakey,
wakey, mainstream media!
Newsroom On
water reform National and Act are sailing on same
Politik Why
Labour Lost
Democracy Project Should
government departments be giving contracts to lobbying
Media Releases:
bloat continues – managers growing three times as fast as frontline
Parliament must deliver comprehensive reform for a more prosperous
Union congratulates former Chair on election into
Not the Only Thing Failing at Wellington City Council
Union Calls for Probe into Commission's Favouritism for
Union celebrates Taxpayer Appreciation Day
Union calls on opposition to focus on good policy, not