John –

Arizona Democrat and retired astronaut Mark Kelly is in a special election that Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight says could determine Senate control in 2020.

But recent polls have Mark neck and neck with his extremist opponent – and if Democrats lose in Arizona, we won't have a path to the Senate majority or ending Mitch McConnell's attacks on our health care and our courts.

This race is already one of the MOST competitive – and expensive – and Mark needs to hit every goal to win. But right now, he's falling $3,282 short of where he needs to be. Mark can only make up ground and help Democrats take back the Senate if grassroots donors like you give immediately: 

Will you donate $5 right now to help Mark turn Arizona blue and take back the Senate for Democrats?

Electing strong Democrats like Mark to the Senate is the only way we can stop Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump's extremist agenda. But Donald Trump just held a massive MAGA rally to stop Mark from flipping this critical seat blue – and his extremist opponent just launched a brand-new attack ad against him. 

If we want to stop far-right Republicans from demonizing immigrant families, stripping health care from millions and attacking women's rights, I need you to give today. This team knows what it takes to win tight races, so we need grassroots supporters like you to step up and give right now to flip Arizona blue and take back the Senate for Democrats.

Will you make a donation of $5 now to elect Mark and help Democrats take back the Senate?

¡La lucha sigue! The fight continues!
