Seven years ago today, I won my first election and became the first woman and person of color to represent Delaware in Congress.

It's a title I don't take lightly. I know I have a responsibility to show all of the young girls watching – my daughter included – that we belong at the table.

And it’s my responsibility to make sure that those young girls have bright futures ahead, by ensuring that they enjoy the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as I have.

The path ahead won’t be easy – I’m facing one of the largest glass ceilings in politics, but I’m used to being underestimated.

I know I can get there, but it’ll only happen with a massive grassroots movement behind me. Black women candidates raise on average one-third of what white candidates do. Will you rush a donation of $25 or whatever you can to my historic race?

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Thank you,

Lisa Blunt Rochester