The return of the rain means it’s time to prepare for potential flooding. Increased rainfall can wash leaves into storm drains and cause localized flooding in our neighborhoods. Now is the time to protect your property and prevent flooded streets by keeping storm drains near your home free of leaves and debris. The Snohomish County 2023 Flood Guide provides information on a wide range of flood-related topics to help residents be prepared.
Storm drains blocked with leaves can cause flooding of local streets.
The 60th Avenue West Fish Passage Culvert Replacement project, finished in October 2023, replaces a failing culvert that was causing road sinking and was a complete fish barrier. The culvert is over 60ft below grade. Construction required removing and replacing about 600 truckloads of material around the culvert. Large woody material (logs) was placed along the stream to improve aquatic habitat and limit stream bank erosion, protecting nearby houses from the stream. Now completed, coho salmon will have access to 1600 ft of upstream habitat. Learn more about the project:
 Before construction – culvert completely blocked.
 After construction – wider streambed allows access to habitat upstream.
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) staff held a ribbon-cutting event at Meadowdale Beach Park celebrating habitat restoration 10+ years in the making. The Meadowdale Beach and Estuary Restoration Project restored the estuary of Lunds Gulch Creek by replacing an undersized culvert through the railroad embankment along the Puget Sound shoreline. The project benefits include restored estuary habitat for multiple salmon and trout species, including ESA-listed Chinook salmon, improved public safety, year-round beach access that is ADA-accessible, and reduced flooding.
View this video and story map to learn more about this innovative, award-winning project.
 Senator Maria Cantwell joined leaders from Snohomish County and Tulalip Tribes to celebrate the reopening of Meadowdale Beach Park.
Over the last 10 years, multiple agencies, including Snohomish County’s Marine Resources Committee (MRC), have worked together towards maintaining and restoring Port Susan. This area offers important habitat for endangered species and is a refuge of biodiversity. A new website celebrates recovery efforts and highlights key restoration actions in Port Susan as well as additional work that is still needed.
Highlights of Port Susan conservation progress since 2012 include:
523 acres of river delta restored
Fish access restored to 1.75 miles of streams; this is crucial for threatened Puget Sound Chinook populations
 Snohomish County MRC is working with partners to support conservation activities in Port Susan.
The Snohomish County Community Floodplain Map is now live! This interactive map highlights projects and community engagement opportunities of the CFS program. Your feedback is needed to help prioritize and develop projects that benefit farms, fish, and flood-impacted residents. These potential projects and engagement opportunities are not possible without the help of willing landowners.
The more information you provide, the better we can work together! Learn more on the CFS project webpage.
 Visit the link, click through the map, and tell us what you think of each project location.
SWM staff and partners recently held in-person and online outreach events to share information and collect public input on proposed habitat restoration and infrastructure protection actions at Chinook Marsh. Snohomish County is planning to restore publicly owned property between Ebey Slough and Fobes Hill. Once restored, this 430-acre tidal wetland will provide critical habitat for Endangered Species Act listed Chinook salmon. In addition, this project aims to protect vital public infrastructure that crosses the property. View the story map and see the project webpage to learn more.
 The Chinook Marsh project will reconnect Ebey Slough to its natural floodplain.
The once-biannual Septic System Care Workshop is now available in a free, online, on-demand format that can be taken at any time! This workshop is hosted by the Snohomish County Health Department, your go-to resource for questions about septic system permitting, operation and maintenance requirements, and finding certified septic system contractors. Taking the workshop also makes you eligible to earn up to $500 in rebates. Be sure to send your workshop "Certificate of Completion" to [email protected] if you are working towards having your property become LakeWise Certified. Visit the Savvy Septic Program website to learn more.
 Learn more about SWM’s LakeWise program at
Upcoming Public Events and Workshops
Learn more about upcoming SWM co-sponsored events and workshops on our events webpage.
Focus On Farming & Forestry Conference – The Focus on Farming & Forestry conference is TOMORROW, November 9 at the Evergreen State Fair Park in Monroe, WA. It is the only one-day gathering for all types of farming in one location: whether organic or conventional, livestock or row crops, large or small. The day will be filled with two keynote speakers, 27 sessions to choose from, two delicious meals and more! Whether you want to learn how to create a succession plan for your business, generate year-round income, integrate agritourism, learn directly from a veterinarian, or learn how to gain valuable insights from soil testing – there is something for everyone. Tickets will be available at the door, see the agenda is at:
 Come learn and grow with us at: