John, I’m coming to you with incredible news out of Ohio:
Thanks to millions of people from across Ohio and countless grassroots volunteers, Issue 1 passed, enshrining in our state constitution the right to an abortion!
Not only will Issue 1 protect the right for women to access abortion services in Ohio, it will also provide a constitutional right for birth control, for fertility treatment, and for miscarriage care.
Together, Ohioans stood up to the radical extremists trying to control our bodies and made it clear that the government has no place in personal medical decisions.
But while this is an incredible moment, we can’t afford to take our foot off the gas. Republicans in the House will stop at nothing to pass a national abortion ban – and it’s going to take all of us working together to stop them.
That’s where you come in, John. Please, will you chip in to my campaign and Valerie Foushee's campaign today so that we can keep fighting for reproductive rights in Congress? We’re counting on your support.
Thank you,
Congresswoman Emilia Sykes
Ohio’s 13th Congressional District