Invoking Our Mother of Sorrows –
7 Holy Masses Nov 13-19 Submit
Your Intentions now!

Dear Friend,
St. Paul VI said: “No more war, war never again. It is peace,
peace which must guide the destinies of peoples and of all
mankind.” Unfortunately,
the terrible effects of the Israel-Hamas and the Ukraine-Russia wars
have taken well over a half a million lives, not counting the
grieving, tormented families
and survivors, whose suffering is unimaginable. As prayer warriors, we must come together,
in unity, to pray for peace.
Many of you have attended Holy Mass
on All Souls Day. You probably have visited a cemetery to say a prayer
for the deceased to gain a Plenary Indulgence for them. Please don’t
stop. Let us strive to continue to pray for the Holy Souls; the whole
month of November is dedicated to them.
Father John Trigilio, a Theological
Advisor for Catholic Action, has often said: “We should not canonize
our relatives and friends after they die, assuming they are in heaven
and do not need our prayers.” How many people we have known, that led
virtuous lives on earth, may still be suffering in purgatory. No
sin-stained soul cannot be with God until they have paid the temporal
penalty due for their venial sins.
Now is the time to call upon the
Mother of Jesus, whose own heart was pierced by a sword of sorrow
to submit your intentions for Seven Holy Masses,
from November 13-19, invoking Our Mother of Sorrows to intercede for:
~ Peace in the world.
~ Our deceased relatives, friends,
past co-workers, parishioners.
~ The Holy Souls in Purgatory,
especially those souls who have no one to pray for them, as well as
those who are suffering the most.
~ Divine Wisdom for all Bishops attending the USCCB Fall Meeting,
from Nov. 13 –16.
Some of the topics discussed will
a request from the Bishops’ Conference of England and
Wales, which is petitioning the Vatican to name St. John Henry Newman
a doctor of the Church. He was the most well-known defender of the Catholic faith in his day;
his conversion cost him everything.
the new introduction and materials
related to the bishops’ teaching document, Forming Consciences for Faithful
Citizenship, on Catholic
political responsibility, which was last approved by the bishops in
~ The needs of Cardinal Raymond
~ Your Personal Intentions,
including your deceased loved ones and friends, as well as for those
who are living and experiencing heavy crosses.
After you submit your intentions, you will automatically be enrolled in
seven days of prayers, beginning on Monday, November
Through the Holy Masses offered,
along with the intercession of Our Mother of Sorrows, may a multitude
of holy souls be released from purgatory and enter into the New
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family