Apprenticeships Hearing

This week, at a House Education and Labor Committee hearing, I had the opportunity to discuss the state of apprenticeship programs in America. Dr. Morona Foy, President of the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS), was among those testifying at the hearing. Dr. Foy and I were both happy to share Wisconsin's successful apprenticeship programs and encourage other states to look to the Badger state as a template for success.

Right now, there are more jobs available in America than unemployed people, and that employment gap is particularly glaring in the skilled labor market. Apprenticeships offer a way for those seeking to enter the skilled labor market to get hands-on, real-world experience that is crucial for professions like plumbing, carpentry, welding, nursing and even computer programming. The U.S. Department of Labor has reported that 94% of individuals that complete apprenticeship programs not only find jobs, but make an average starting salary of $70,000. We still have a shortage, however, of individuals to fill the skills-based jobs that are vital to our economy. That is why Dr. Foy and I agree that apprenticeship programs should be expanded throughout America.

Dr. Foy highlighted how Wisconsin’s technical college systems maintain a strong relationship with state-based employers in order to ensure their curriculums are the most up to date with industry changes to best prepare students for work after their apprenticeship. Additionally, Dr. Foy and I discussed how Wisconsin uniquely allows technical school credits to apply to the university system and university credits to apply to the technical school system, which ensures students won't be left behind when transferring.

I will continue to work toward expanding apprenticeship programs and encourage young Wisconsinites to seek out these high-paying, high-demand jobs. There is a bias in our society that a traditional four-year degree is the best option for every student. In reality, many of them would be happier, and often make more money, if they had pursued career and technical education after high school.

To view my remarks at this week's hearing, please click here or the picture below.

Religious Liberty Hearing

During a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing, I had the opportunity to speak with Hiram Sasser of First Liberty Institute, a law firm dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty, about his work and what Congress can do to protect religious freedom for all Americans.

During my conversation with Mr. Sasser, he referenced the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This is an important piece of legislation, that is now law, because it prohibits the government from interfering with a person’s Constitutional right to exercise their religion. This bill had overwhelming bipartisan support when it was enacted. but Mr. Sasser feels that many politicians today wrongfully demonize the law.

It is clear in both the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Constitution that America is a country where individuals and families can practice their religion freely, without government interference. This means that the law must apply equally to those who practice religion and those who don't. The government should not be able to force anyone to violate their deeply held religious beliefs.

I am grateful that the Trump Administration continues to work to maintain the integrity of our Constitution’s guarantee of religious liberty for individuals of every community and faith. I will continue to fight in Congress to protect every individual’s right to religious freedom.

To view my full conversation with Mr. Sasser, please click here or on the picture below.

Quick Survey
Representing you in Congress is both an honor and a privilege. I do my best to attend local events, hold town hall meetings and speak with Sixth District residents every day so I can voice your concerns in Washington, D.C. Since I rely on your feedback, please take a few minutes to complete my survey on a few key issues. Thanks for your help!

Weekly Roundup
March is National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme - Eat Right, Bite by Bite - reminds us that every bite we take can be both healthy and delicious!

Thank you to all United States veterans for your service to our country. It was great to speak with Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign Wars members in my Washington, D.C. office.

Thank you to all of the hardworking women who help build our country- literally!

It was great meeting with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about their projects in Wisconsin's Sixth district and the balance between growing our economy and protecting our natural resources.

I had a great meeting with my fellow Wisconsinites of the Wisconsin Counties Association about each county's individual needs and ways to help them thrive.

Contact Me
As your Congressman, I’m here to serve you. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to my offices in Fond du Lac and Washington. If you enjoyed this newsletter be sure to forward it to your family and friends so they can stay informed on what I’m doing in Washington and the Sixth District. 

You can also stay up-to-the-minute by following me on Facebook (Congressman Glenn Grothman), Twitter (@RepGrothman) and Instagram (@RepGlennGrothman).

Member of Congress 


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