From Brooke Lierman <[email protected]>
Subject 1 year ago ❤️
Date November 8, 2023 3:00 PM
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One year ago, we won the Comptroller race.

This wasn’t an easy race. It ended up being the most expensive Comptroller race in Maryland. But we still made history, and it’s all because of supporters like you.

From the folks who phone-banked and knocked on doors to everyone who so generously made a grassroots contribution to all of the voters who cast their ballots in last year’s historic election, I am still so thankful for each and every person who supported our campaign last year.

Winning the election was huge – but making history that night wasn’t the goal. The goal was to make a positive difference in the lives of Marylanders.

I convened a robust transition team process that produced an incredibly important report on moving the agency forward. See the report here →

TRANSITION REPORT ([link removed])

I have built a team in the Office of the Comptroller that is reflective of the state and focused on making government work better while ensuring the office's resources reach businesses and communities. See our strategic plan here →

STRATEGIC PLAN ([link removed])

And it will take some time – but I’m committed to this work. This year, we’ve focused on rebuilding our campaign’s funds, especially after running in such an expensive race. Though this might be considered an “off-year” to many, our campaign operates year-round, so it’s essential to fundraise and keep things running smoothly.

If you’d like to help keep our fundraising on track, I hope you’ll consider donating today.

CHIP IN ([link removed])

Thank you so much for your continued support. I look forward to all the ways we’ll continue working together to build a better Maryland for everyone!

My very best,


(She, Her, Hers)

Authorized by Brooke Lierman for Maryland; Chairman, Alvin Lee; Treasurer, Candace Dodson-Reed.
Brooke Lierman for Maryland
PO Box 891
Baltimore, MD 21203
United States

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CONTRIBUTE TODAY ([link removed])

Thank you for supporting Brooke Lierman for Comptroller. Brooke will work with you to make a better Maryland for all of us. To stand with Brooke and help fight to make our streets safer, cleaner, and greener, click here to make a contribution ([link removed]).

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