Dear John,
My name is Elsie Falconer, I’m a high school sophomore and the President of Kids for the Boundary Waters, a youth-led project supported by Save the Boundary Waters. This week, I am in Washington, D.C., to meet with lawmakers to advocate for legislation to protect the Boundary Waters permanently. This is my fourth trip to the Capitol and each time I come, I am reminded that when kids speak up about issues they care about, adults listen.
I love the Boundary Waters because of the quietness and peacefulness of it. Because of the loons and their loon babies. Because of the dark sky, being able to see so many more stars than at home, and if you’re lucky, northern lights. I love feeling accomplished at the end of a hard portage, or at the end of a long travel day.
Kids from all over the world come to the Boundary Waters. They get challenged and learn things about themselves that they can use in their everyday lives. This summer on a two week long Boundary Waters trip, I was reminded that I can do hard things. Like this week, as I meet with Representatives in D.C. and urge them to protect my favorite place in the world from toxic pollution.
It is so clear to me: the Boundary Waters need to be protected for future generations.
But the future of this Wilderness is under threat from sulfide-ore copper mines. Consider the future generations of the world and make a donation today. Your gift will be matched today for Give to the Max Day!