Richard K. Vedder (American Spectator)

A steep decline in discipline and respect for law, order, and hard work—yes, that’s us. We have become spoiled and complacent, like those running the British Empire in 1900 or the Roman Empire around 100 A.D. What will it take to reverse course? READ MORE »
Ivan Eland (National Interest)

After World War II, the United States accounted for 50 percent of global GDP; now it accounts for about 15 percent. Yet the United States—to fulfill its uncountable security commitments across the globe—accounts for about 40 percent of global military spending. What’s wrong with this picture? READ MORE »
William F. Shughart II (The Beacon)

Springing forward and falling back every year is government-imposed jet lag. It’s also really expensive: $1.7 billion in losses annually. And, thanks to more heart attacks, workplace injuries, and auto accidents, it’s deadly. Time to leave the clocks alone! READ MORE »
Raymond J. March (Messenger)

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. requires a blood transfusion. But alarming shortages are now putting countless lives at risk. The answer? Markets. READ MORE »
Stephen P. Halbrook (Reason�s Volokh Conspiracy)

The Second Amendment is on trial again this week. In the 2022 Heller ruling, the Supreme Court said constitutional rights have “the scope they were understood to have when the people adopted them,” noting that “The Second Amendment was adopted in 1791.” Attorney General Merrick Garland wants to undo this. READ MORE »
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