We just finished a meeting about how our November fundraising is going to help Adam Frisch defeat Lauren Boebert.


We just finished a meeting about how our November fundraising is going to help Adam Frisch defeat Lauren Boebert.

It’s not good news: For the first time ever during this campaign, we’re behind pace and missing our fundraising goals.

Last year, this was the closest race in the entire country. After the recount was finished, Adam lost to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes. We cannot afford to get out-spent again – not if we want to kick Boebert out of Congress.

But we just took a look at the numbers, and we’re $9,257 short of where we need our fundraising to be if Adam is going to win and send Boebert packing in 2024.

There’s still time to close the gap, but Adam’s not taking money from corporate PACs. If we’re going to defeat Lauren Boebert, we need grassroots donors like you to give whatever you can afford to right now:

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – every dollar you can spare – to help us raise $9,257 before midnight tonight and make sure Adam Frisch finally defeats Lauren Boebert in 2024?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We can end Lauren Boebert’s political career and put a stop to the circus in Washington. But we need to get our fundraising back on track now, or we risk falling too far behind…

Thank you for everything you do,

Team Frisch