Dear Neighbors & Friends,
I am pleased to have introduced a bill to fight climate change and eliminate state tax handouts to fossil fuel industries (Krueger S3389/Simon A7949) - Stop Climate Polluter Handouts Act.
The climate crisis – caused primarily by fossil fuel pollution – is the greatest threat the world has ever seen. Greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuel industry warm the planet and pollute communities while oil companies reap such enormous profits that they are now the most profitable industry in history. Shockingly, New York State currently supports the fossil fuel industry with over $1.6 billion in handouts every year. That’s taxpayer money wasted on supporting Big Oil (companies like Exxon, BP, and Chevron) to destroy the planet.
The Stop Climate Polluter Handouts Act eliminates the tax handouts that prop up the most egregious parts of the fossil fuel industry. It pinpoints and eliminates the worst handouts to polluters: incentives that support research and development within the fossil fuel industry, the use of highly polluting airline fuel and commercial shipping "bunker" fuel, and the operation of fracked gas infrastructure, among many others. The bill does not touch the tax breaks that benefit low- and mid-income earners.
New Yorkers already experience the effects of climate change: heat waves, floods, and intense storms wreak havoc on our communities. By offering tax handouts, we effectively use taxpayer money to pay companies to put New Yorkers’ lives at risk.
In total, the bill raises $330 million for the state by making polluters pay their fair share of taxes. This bill aligns our state spending with the climate goals to which NY has already committed. The 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) set ambitious targets for reducing emissions, which can only be reached by ending our reliance on fossil fuels.

Jo Anne Simon
General Election Today + 2 Ballot Initiatives! Polls are open until 9pm tonight. Don’t forget to flip your ballot as there are 2 ballot initiatives. The first ballot proposal would remove the debt limit placed on schools in small cities with fewer than 125,000 people. The current limit is five percent and if passed the limit would revert to ten percent, which is the limit most other school districts have. The second proposal would extend the exception for debt that cities, towns, villages and counties can borrow in regard to sewage projects. More background on the ballot initiatives here.
View your sample ballot and find your poll site here.
Standing up Against Hate. It is painful to hear reports of the rise in antisemitic attacks and hate crimes against Palestinians, here in the city and in the nation. The impacts of the Israel-Hamas war are felt deeply in communities here, many of which have personal ties to those affected by the ongoing violence in the region. You may be aware of the antisemitic graffiti written in front of a local synagogue or the Palestinian man attacked in South Williamsburg. It’s heart-wrenching and it’s wrong. But I know that through our shared sense of humanity and our resolve, we will find ways to support one another. We will not tolerate hate here in New York.
New York launched a hotline to report hate and bias incidents. You can confidentially call 1-844-NO2-HATE (1-844-662-4283) or fill out this online form. Governor Hochul has also directed $75 million in grants for police departments and religious organizations, in addition to reviewing antisemitism and anti-discrimination policies in public universities.
I continue to share my profound sorrow for the victims of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and pray for the return of the hostages. I am distraught over the devastating humanitarian conditions in Gaza and the overwhelming loss of Palestinian and Israeli civilian lives.
It’s extremely important that people in the community feel safe and supported. Please reach out to my office if we can be of help.
Disability Pride Month. I had a great time participating in the Disability Pride Parade in honor of disability pride month. I am proud to support New York’s disabled community and celebrate the diversity and strength of people with disabilities. I will continue to work towards creating a more accessible New York.
I was also glad to join Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso for a community resource fair for New Yorkers with disabilities. If you need to connect with the New York City Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities about initiatives, programs, and policies they offer, please reach out to my office.

BQE South Meetings. NYC DOT will host a third round of public workshops for BQE South to share design concepts which respond to community feedback collected thus far. For more information about the project and past meeting materials, visit DOT’s BQE website. “BQE South” includes Cobble Hill, Columbia Street Waterfront, Carroll Gardens, Red Hook, Gowanus, Sunset Park and communities south down to the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge.
- BQE South Virtual Workshop: Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Register here.
- To request accessibility accommodations or translation services, contact the NYC DOT Brooklyn Borough Commissioner's Office at 646.892.1350
Affordable Housing Lottery in Downtown Brooklyn; Apply by Dec. 11. The lottery is open for Brooklyn’s first all-electric building at 505 State St. Preference is given to residents of Community Board 2. To see if you are eligible and to apply, visit Housing Connect.
Affordable housing lottery waiting list reopens for 1 Boerum Place; Apply by Dec. 4. The wait list for rent stabilized units at this site in Downtown Brooklyn is open. Click here to apply online.
DEC Air Monitoring in Gowanus. This fall, the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) began the next steps in their investigation to assess where legacy contamination may be affecting indoor air quality in buildings in the Gowanus Canal area. You may have recently received a letter from DEC requesting access to your property to conduct the monitoring. I recommend that you sign up for these tests. The winter heating season is the best time to conduct the testing. Test results are helpful in assessing any potential public health risk. When sampling results show that mitigation is needed for a building, a DEC contractor installs vapor intrusion mitigation systems or other acceptable measures. To arrange testing, please read this DEC document. I was pleased to see that DEC has been holding violators accountable for cleanup noncompliance. To date in 2023, NY State has issued $334,000 in civil penalties to multiple Gowanus Canal-area developers and property owners conducting cleanups for violations of State environmental protection laws and brownfield regulations. This not only includes fines, but corrective action when appropriate.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie Tours AD52. It was a privilege to host Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and tour AD52 with him. We visited the Gowanus Canal to see progress on the CSO tanks and also discussed the status of the BQE triple cantilever, among other local issues. I’m looking forward to working with the Speaker on these projects and more in the upcoming session.
Brooklyn House of Detention (BHOD) Updates. The Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice and other city agencies recently presented their revised plans for the new BHOD to Community Board 2. Unfortunately, they backtracked on several commitments made to the community in the 2019 engagement process. As part of an effort to close Rikers (which I strongly support) the City was to create 4 borough-based jails that were smaller and more humane; this included a total rebuild of the aging BHOD.
The City reported that the revised plans will cut the planned underground parking by more than half, the jail will be taller, and they will no longer be adding a second tunnel from the courthouse to the jail. Most concerning, while they have increased the number of total beds to 1,040 instead of 886, they are reducing the number of desperately-needed therapeutic beds for people who are incarcerated. You can also read an
update from the Brooklyn Eagle here and view the notes from the CB2 meeting
here. The next round of public design workshops will be next year.
Please note that the Department of Buildings has authorized an After Hours Variance to ensure the dismantling of the BHOD stays on schedule. The following work schedule will go into effect immediately: M–Th, Shift 1: (7am – 3:30pm), Shift 2: (3pm–11pm) / Fri (7am –7pm) / Sat (9am–5pm). If you have questions or concerns, contact the community construction liaison, Lucien Allen, at
[email protected] or (917) 270-2370.
Recent Storms + NY Heat Act. In response to the storm and resulting flooding in late September, I joined colleagues and environmental advocates to urge the Governor to support the NY HEAT Act and other environmental protections. We cannot risk normalizing the increase in such extreme weather events from climate change.
This district was among the hardest hit by flooding. In one hour alone, the Brooklyn Navy Yard received over 2.5 inches of rain overwhelming our sewer capacity. Park Slope and Gowanus were hit hard. Businesses and our local soup kitchen were flooded, losing inventory and equipment.
These extreme weather events will keep happening unless NY acts to eliminate fossil fuel infrastructure, including limiting costs from being passed along to ratepayers. The NY HEAT Act is one measure that will help. Here are some resources for future storms:
- Enroll in Notify NYC for updates
- Call the Small Business Hotline Emergency Response for Help: 888-727-4692
- Call 311 to report property damage
- Check the status of subways & buses: or sign up for MTA’s text alerts:
Interborough Express (IBX) Open Houses: The IBX will be a new public transit option using light rail to connect Brooklyn and Queens. The project will be built along the existing rail infrastructure between Bay Ridge and Jackson Heights, via a route to the east of our district through Brownsville. The MTA is overseeing the project and they want to hear from you during the environmental review process. You can learn more and register here to attend a public meeting. The two Brooklyn open houses will take place on Wed., Nov. 8th, 6:30-8:30pm, Brooklyn College Student Center, 2705 Campus Rd., and Nov. 30th, 6:30-8:30pm, Widdi Catering Hall, 5602 6th Ave.
SUNY New Paltz’s online Microcredential Course on the Science of Reading. This new 7 week course empowers educators with innovative, research-backed tools and techniques for enhancing literacy instruction. Earn continuing education credits via a fully online, self-paced environment. More information available here.
Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Look Back Period closes Nov. 23, 2023. There are a shocking number of adults who suffered from sexual violence and abuse but had not known enough about their rights - or were too traumatized - to pursue them legally in a timely manner. In response, we passed the Adult Survivors Act which provides for a one year window to file suit regardless of when the assault occurred. That one year window closes on November 23, 2023. We encourage anyone who might be protected by this law to look into their newly reinstated right to pursue a civil action for damages. Learn more. You can also call the Safe Horizon helpline Mon - Fri, 9am-5pm at 855-234-1042 for more information or to get support.
An egregious example of the need for this law is the case and conviction of Robert Hadden. For far too long, Hadden used his position of power to abuse hundreds of patients. I joined my colleagues in urging Columbia to reach out to former patients in case they want to bring a case under the Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse Act and to conduct an investigation into the systemic failures that allowed sexual abuse to occur.
Free Leaf Bags! Stop by our office at 341 Smith St. for free leaf and yard waste bags, Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm.

Pick up a COVID TEST KIT! Stop by our office (341 Smith St in Carroll Gardens) weekdays from 9am-5pm to pick up a free Covid-19 rapid test kit. Use the City’s vaccine finder tool to find a place near you to get a free vaccine.
HEAP Benefit Applications are Open! The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) can help eligible New Yorkers heat their homes. You may receive one regular HEAP benefit per program year and could also be eligible for emergency HEAP benefits if you are in danger of running out of fuel or having your utility service shut off. Eligibility and benefits are based on income, household size, the primary heating source, and the presence of a household member who is under age 6, age 60 or older or permanently disabled. To learn more and apply, visit here.
Provide Feedback on Brooklyn Bridge Vendors. The City is currently accepting comments from the public on the presence of vendors on the Brooklyn Bridge. The NYC DOT is proposing amendments to its Traffic Rules to clarify that an elevated pedestrian walkway or a bicycle lane on a bridge or a bridge approach may not be used for the vending of merchandise or services. Submit your comments here by Nov. 15, 2023.
Community Events & Announcements
- Heights & Hills Webinar on Self Care for Caregivers, Nov. 14 at 6:30pm. It can be challenging to manage the care of a loved one. This one hour workshop will explore different methods to release, reset, and recharge. Register for the Zoom link here.
- New Ice Skating Rink in Brooklyn Bridge Park! ‘Glide’ ice rink will be located at the Emily Warren Roebling Plaza and will be open from November 15 - March 1. The new ice rink will showcase views of the Manhattan skyline and be positioned alongside the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. A limited amount of free and discounted tickets are available for NYC residents. Learn more by visiting Glide’s website here.
- Nevins & Third Affordable Housing Projects Meeting, Nov. 29 at 6pm. NYC Housing & Preservation Department (HPD) is building two new permanently and deeply affordable housing buildings in Boerum Hill, one for seniors and one for families. HPD is conducting a series of community engagement workshops. Sign up for the email list for updates & RSVP for their next virtual workshop.
- NYC Public High Schools Application Now Open. The deadline for current 8th grade students in NYC to apply is Dec. 1. You can learn more about the admissions process, including information sessions and high school open house dates, here.
- ConEd’s New Brooklyn Clean Energy Hub. I joined ConEd and other elected officials at the ground breaking of their new Clean Energy Hub in Vinegar Hill. This new facility, on the site of an old fossil fuel plant, will not only provide clean energy to parts of Brooklyn and Queens, but will also provide over 500 new skilled, clean energy jobs. We’ve known for decades we must eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels, and I will continue to push NYS toward this reality and will continue to hold stakeholders relying on fossil fuels, including ConEd, accountable.