All polling locations are open until 7:00 PM. Cast your ballot at your designated polling location!
Fairfax Votes | Fairfax County, VA Voting Information

Three hours left to vote!


Dear John,

There are only three hours left to vote in the 2023 General Assembly and Local Elections! Polls are open until 7:00 PM. If you have not yet voted, make time to go to your local polling location and cast your ballot to keep America moving forward!

Polls are open in Virginia! Find your polling location at

Today is your last chance to cast your vote in this important election. Our future is on the ballot:

✔ Defend Reproductive Rights

✔ Fund Public Education

✔ Prevent Gun Violence

✔ Protect the Environment

...and so much more!

Vote to keep America moving forward. Vote Democratic today. Polls are open until 7:00 PM today.

Find Your Polling Location

Not sure if you're registered to vote? No problem! Go to your designated polling location, complete a voter registration form, and vote a provisional ballot - it's that easy! Provisional ballots are counted as soon as the registration form is reviewed and accepted by the Office of Elections.


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