Today marks Election Day 2023 - and voters in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey and Virginia will be heading to the polls.
While these elections may seem unrelated to our race, this will be the first time since 2022 that voters head to the polls in statewide elections. It will give us a good sense of where the national mood currently stands.
We’ll be watching these results closely, but right now, we’re more optimistic than ever about our own race here in CA-41.
» Redistricting added thousands of new Democratic voters in the Inland Empire and desert communities like Palm Springs to CA-41. In past elections, Ken Calvert enjoyed a strong Republican edge. Now, Democrats hold a +3,000 registration advantage.
» Will was the only Democratic challenger in California to win the majority of Independents in 2022. In a time of unprecedented polarization, Will’s power to unify voters is critical when it comes to flipping this seat.
» Thanks to you, our early fundraising is strong. Last quarter, we outraised Ken Calvert by over $100,000! And unlike Calvert, we didn't take a cent from corporate PACs!
Despite our early momentum, we still have an upward battle ahead of us: Ken Calvert holds a half-a-million-dollar cash-on-hand advantage, which is why it’s so important for us to hit every fundraising benchmark.
As we mark one year to Election Day 2024, we set a $10,000 fundraising goal for tonight, but we're still about $6,700 short. Can you chip in $3 right now to elect Will Rollins and end Ken Calvert's 30-year career [[link removed]] ? [[link removed]]If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $10 Now [[link removed]]
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Thanks for your support,
Will Rollins HQ
Consider supporting Will's campaign by making a grassroots contribution here >> [link removed]
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Will Rollins for Congress
PO Box 6282
414 W Grand Blvd
Corona, CA 92878
United States