We want to hear the stories that have moved you this year – the student leaders and educators who are changing the world for LGBTQ students in inspiring ways.

Dear John –

Living in Alabama as an out LGBTQ+ person isn’t always easy. Last year legislators in the capital banned marriage licenses altogether just so the state wouldn’t have to issue any to same-sex couples. Until last spring, health education teachers were required to teach that ‘homosexual conduct is a criminal offense.’ And just this week the state Senate advanced a bill that would make it a felony for doctors to provide medically necessary care to transgender youth.

There’s no doubt that LGBTQ+ students face adversity here in our state – and that’s why it was so important for me and my classmates to come together and establish Spectrum, the GSA at LAMP High School in Montgomery, Alabama. It wasn’t easy, and we faced resistance to getting approval. But I’m proud that we kept pushing and ultimately succeeded in creating a space that helps every student at our school feel safe, comfortable, loved, and appreciated.

Last year all of us at Spectrum were honored to receive the 2019 GSA of the Year Award at GLSEN’s Respect Awards in New York. It felt so great to be recognized for our work toward change in one of the country’s most hostile climates for LGBTQ+ youth.

Now, I’m excited to help identify and celebrate the GSA of the Year for 2020! GLSEN just opened nominations for this year’s award, and they want to hear from you! Do you know of a GSA blazing new trails for LGBTQ students? If so, nominate them for the 2020 GSA of the Year Award. Representatives of the winning GSA will fly to New York in May to receive the award.

Spectrum has meant so much for students at our high school. It's a time for students of different racial backgrounds, faith traditions, and LGBTQ identities to come together and be themselves. One student in the club said that it was the first place she ever felt safe. And students from other schools in Alabama have contacted us to seek advice on starting their own GSAs. When students come together to organize in our local communities, we start a powerful ripple effect and build momentum for change.

I’m grateful that GLSEN recognizes that ripple effect with the GSA of the Year Award. I know they’re excited to choose this year’s honoree – and glad to have your help! Click here to submit a nomination for the 2020 GSA of the Year Award.

Thank you,
Eric Samelo
Cofounder of Spectrum GSA
LAMP High School, Montgomery, AL
Winner of the 2019 GSA of the Year Award


GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038| 212-727-0135| [email protected]

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