Dear John, This Saturday, CODEPINK peace activists converged in Washington D.C. to join the largest protest for Palestine in U.S. history—300,000 people strong. Nour Jaghama, CODEPINK's Palestine organizer, stood on stage with CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin to deliver a powerful speech to the energized crowd. Together, they represented an intergenerational feminist vanguard for peace and justice in Gaza. Watch the full speech here! In her speech, Nour aimed her questions directly at President Biden: “Is this how you want to be remembered? A genocidal, destructive, warmonger? Shame! Look at this crowd, clearly the American people do not agree with your genocidal plans. You must call for a ceasefire now or solidify your position as one of the most inhumane presidents in American history. The American people demand a ceasefire, an end to the occupation, and the full liberation of Palestine.” Global Shutdown for Palestine, November 9!We must take advantage of the momentum generated on Saturday and escalate. Join the hundreds and thousands striking on Thursday, November 9th to demand an immediate ceasefire, an end of all aid to Israel, and a lifting of the siege on Gaza. We are calling for movements, trade unions, youth, students, media and healthcare workers, and all members of society to increase the pressure with more marches, walk-outs, sit-ins, strikes, and other forms of direct action directed at the political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest in, and collaborate with Israeli genocide and occupation. On Saturday, in the sea of white, green, and red-clad Palestine supporters was also a sea of pink. CODEPINKers from across the country stood united for a ceasefire, an end to the siege, and a cessation of the annual $3.8 billion genocide funds to Israel from the United States. There was a large presence of mothers and their children among the massive crowd, making it clear that mothers do not support genocide! “As a mother of two small children myself, I cannot fathom the carnage and grief that is besieging the young children of Gaza and their families, and has for decades and generations,” shared CODEPINKer Joy Freeman, who was in attendance with her daughter. If you are a mom and want to know how you can make your voice heard, click here. Over on the West Coast, our Bay Area CODEPINK chapter took part in a sister rally that was the largest progressive march the city has seen in a very long time, with the crowd estimated in the tens of thousands! Join us in keeping this momentum going!
From the East Coast to the West and around the globe, we have more people than ever ready to disrupt business as usual to end the occupation of Palestine. Sign up to join the strike on November 9! Ann, Danaka, Cale, Calla, Farida, Grace, Jasmine, Jodie, Marcy, Medea, Melissa, Michelle, Nancy, Nour, Nuvpreet, Paki, Terry, Tim, and Ysa Help us amplify voices against genocide and war. |
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