Friends –

If Democrats are going to defeat President Trump’s extremist agenda in 2020 and stop Mitch McConnell and Trump from filling another Supreme Court seat, we must protect every Democratic seat.

The stakes are high, and our path to a Democratic Senate majority depends on winning in Minnesota and reelecting my friend Sen. Tina Smith. But NBC News is already calling this a “race to watch,” and President Trump’s campaign has pledged to spend “tens of millions of dollars” on winning in Minnesota.

Tina needs grassroots Democrats like you in this fight, friends.

I’m asking you to make sure Democrats have a chance to stop Mitch McConnell’s complete obstruction and end his allegiance to President Trump’s special-interest agenda: Will you give $5 or more now so Tina Smith can win in Minnesota and give Democrats a path to the Senate majority?

Tina’s an irreplaceable leader for reproductive rights, affordable prescription drug prices, climate action and the effort to get dark money out of politics. Reelecting Tina is vital to moving our country forward.

The alternative is grim: Her extremist opponent was handpicked by President Trump. He’s a right-wing, climate-denying former radio talk show host. And Mitch McConnell and dark-money groups will spend and do anything to defeat Tina, elect a Trump crony and flip Minnesota red.

We need Democrats like you to step forward now and make sure Tina has the resources to keep pace and fight back against vile right-wing attacks. This race is going to be close, and Tina is counting on our help. Your donation today will help her protect this seat for Democrats and fight back against the Trump-McConnell agenda.

I’m asking you again, friends: Will you give $5 or more now to help Tina Smith win in Minnesota, protect this seat for Democrats and defeat the Trump-McConnell agenda?

Democrats need fighters like you in their corner. Thanks for fighting with me to make sure we can stop extremist Republicans and their dark-money backers.
