This is it, John. Today is our last chance to hit our emergency Election Day goal and make a difference for more than 200 Emerge women on the ballot right now!

But I just checked our progress, and we’re still $1,015 short of what we need to raise by midnight. I’m reaching out to you directly because your support is critical to our movement. We urgently need you to step up now – while we can still make a difference in the races this year.

Will you chip in $10 or more to help hit our emergency goal and empower Democratic women to win up and down the ballot? Here’s the best link to give:

Thank you for powering our movement forward,

Jasmine Smith
Development Manager, Emerge

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sandra Bishop, Emerge
Date: Sat, Nov 4, 2023
Subject: 🚨JUST LAUNCHED 🚨Emerge emergency Election Week Fund