Taxpayer, we need you to contact your members of Congress immediately.
Here’s why: As you read my email, white coats at the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) are salivating at the chance to take more of your money to purchase pigs, goats, and possibly dogs... then shoot, stab, dismember, and blow them up.
DOJ calls it “live tissue training” (LTT). We call it what it really is: taxpayer-funded torture.
Taxpayer, DOJ white coats have wasted your paycheck on animal abuse that would land you or me in prison:
At first, DOJ white coats hid the evidence. But we sued… and won: The White Coat Waste Project (WCW) forced them to hand over receipts that DOJ bureaucrats tried VERY HARD to keep secret.
These receipts prove DOJ wasted tens of thousands of your tax dollars to maim and kill live animals in its LTT exercises.
WCW recently rallied eighteen Democratic and Republican members of Congress to send this letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland. This bipartisan delegation cited WCW’s investigation and asked him to permanently discontinue “wasteful and unnecessary” LTT exercises at the DOJ.
Wasteful and unnecessary is right! Trainees don’t need to butcher live animals. The DOJ already owns more effective, cost-efficient human patient simulators.
Even the Defense Department has criticized live tissue training as "outdated and cost-prohibitive."
There’s simply no excuse. Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay!
Please don’t wait, Taxpayer. Act now.
Avery Kron |
P.S. EXTREMELY URGENT: Congress is setting the DOJ’s budget right now. We have a very short window of time to convince all 535 members of Congress to cut the agency’s wasteful spending on barbaric live tissue training. Please contact your representatives right away!
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