Hi—right now, our movement is rallying at the U.S. Supreme Court as oral arguments begin in a case that would have widespread impacts on survivors of domestic violence: United States v. Rahimi.
If the Court upholds the Fifth Circuit's decision in Rahimi, they will strike down the federal law prohibiting domestic abusers subject to restraining orders from possessing firearms. This means their decision will be life or death for millions of women, families, and communities across the U.S. experiencing domestic and intimate partner violence.
That's why our coalition of domestic violence and gun violence prevention groups is demanding the Supreme Court reverse the Fifth Circuit's dangerous decision.
Follow along from the steps of the Supreme Court as we defend domestic violence survivors.
Research shows that when states prohibit people under domestic violence restraining orders from having guns or encourage or require them to surrender their firearms, intimate partner homicide rates drop significantly.
Laws keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people work.
The Supreme Court must act now to protect these life-saving gun safety laws—the stakes couldn't be higher. Join us virtually to rally to support survivors.
Thanks for being with us in this movement,
Everytown for Gun Safety