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November 7, 2023


Matt Brodsky

[email protected]

Muslim Challenger to Ilhan Omar Forcefully Rejects Biden’s Initiative to Counter Islamophobia

Jerusalem, Israel - Ilhan Omar’s Republican challenger for U.S. Congress (MN-5), Dalia Al-Aqidi, issued the following statement rejecting the Biden administration's initiative to combat Islamophobia:

Joe Biden claimed he made the decision to run for president in 2020 because of the white supremacists marching with tiki-torches in Charlottesville, VA. In May, he declared white supremacy “the most dangerous terrorist threat” to the American homeland. Apparently, Biden has no qualm with the antisemites in his own party who have shown themselves to be far more numerous across the United States and ubiquitous around the world

At American universities, where safe spaces have become the norm and phrases such as “words are violence” have found purchase, vibrant antisemitism is celebrated while faculty cowardice is on full display. Violent antisemitic threats forced the cancellation of classes at Cornell University. Pro-Hamas demonstrators mobbed a Jewish student at Harvard. In a scene that conjures up images of last century’s pogroms in Eastern Europe, Jewish students at a New York City college were locked in their school’s library for 20 minutes on October 25 as pro-Palestinian demonstrators pounded on the doors and shouted slogans.

From Boston to New York to Miami, antisemitic activists are tearing down the flyers and posters of the missing Jewish hostages, including those of babies. As a New York Times article made clear, those who commit these acts of vandalism believe that it is wrong to highlight Jewish victims since it distracts from their efforts to flip the discussion about the war Hamas launched into one about Palestinian suffering. According to the Times, the posters are viewed as “anti-Islamic war propaganda.”

The antisemitism alive and roaring on the political left isn’t from a handful of right-wing loons with tiki-torches. It is a mainstream movement in the Democrat Party buttressed by their elite institutions, including universities and the mainstream media. Far from some fringe movement, these terrorist supporters who parrot Hamas talking points—Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib—are elected Democrat members of Congress who are supposed to represent us.

President Biden fails his Sister Souljah moment

One month after Islamist terrorists executed the worst pogrom and terrorist attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust and with all the vile antisemitism that exploded in America within hours of the terrorist attack, the White House announced a national strategy to counter… Islamophobia.

You read that correctly.

On one hand, it shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, when asked by a White House reporter on October 24 about the visible rise in antisemitism, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre immediately dismissed the problem and pivoted to her concern about Islamophobia. This is the inevitable outcome when Democrats embrace the intersectional worldview of critical race theory, like Biden has. It leads to their attempt to flip the script from blatant antisemitism to one about alleged Islamophobia.

Nevertheless, I categorically reject the Biden administration’s national strategy to combat Islamophobia for the following reasons:

Biden’s national strategy on Islamophobia is based on a lie. The issue today is antisemitism, not "Islamophobia."

In announcing the White House’s anti-Islamophobia strategy, Karine Jean-Pierre said: ”For too long, Muslims in America, and those perceived to be Muslim, such as Arabs and Sikhs, have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks and other discriminatory incidents." 

But this is a lie.

While, prejudice against any group is reprehensible, and where there are incidents of bias against Muslims or Arabs, they should be vigorously condemned, FBI statistics for the past two decades have shown, there is little or no empirical evidence to back up the claims that Muslims faced a backlash of prejudice after the 9/11 attacks. 

One day before the White House initiative was announced, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee that despite being just 2.4% of the American public, attacks on Jewish-Americans accounted for "something like 60% of all religious-based hate crimes."

By way of contrast, antisemitic incidents across the globe, including violent ones and online hatred, increased significantly between October 7 and October 25, according to a report from the Israeli Ministry for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism, the Jewish Agency for Israel and the World Zionist Organization.

  • In the three weeks since Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, the number of antisemitic events rose 500% compared to the same period in 2022.
  • A third of the new incidents recorded took place in the United States, largely in Jewish centers such as New York, Florida, Chicago and California. Many occurred on college campuses.
  • Violent antisemitic incidents increased 330% compared to last year, with approximate rises of 128% in the desecration of Jewish sites (including cemeteries), 660% in anti-Jewish harassment and 300% in threats.

Linking antisemitism to Islamophobia downplays the victims while boosting the false claims of the victimizers.

In any other context, progressives would be apoplectic. Can anyone imagine the White House announcing a strategy to protect male sexual predators at the dawn of the #MeToo movement? Of course not. 

Antisemitism and “Islamophobia” are not two sides of the same coin. Since the George Floyd riots erupted, claiming that any other lives mattered aside from Black lives was considered heretical. Jewish lives matter on their own and what we’ve witnessed is an unadulterated orgy of Hamas terrorism.

I’m disgusted by the Biden administration and antisemites like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib who constantly include Islamophobia in any mention of antisemitism. I am likewise revolted by their claims that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism.

Just ask Hamas.

On October 7, a Hamas terrorist used the phone of his murdered victim to call his parents in Gaza and brag about killing Jews–not Israelis: “Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews!”

Islamophobia is a term invented by Islamists to prevent moderate Muslims from calling out political Islamism

“Islamophobia” is the wrong term, invented by Islamists and the Council on Arab Islamic Relations (CAIR) in order to demonize all who stand against political Islamists and terrorists. The very word is meant to silence me–a moderate, secular Muslim. It is a term designed to stifle speech. 

The source most often cited by the White House for a so-called surge in “Islamophobia” comes from CAIR. That organization cannot be trusted. Founded in the 1990s as a fundraising group for Hamas in the United States, it has since rebranded itself as a so-called civil-rights organization.

CAIR consistently promotes Jew-hatred and has sought to silence groups that called attention to their incitement by falsely labeling them as “Islamophobes.” That continues to this day. It reacted to the terrorist atrocities of October 7 by not only refusing to condemn Hamas but by blaming Israel for the attacks instead. 

Once one strips away the veneer of concern for a religious minority, CAIR demonstrates that most of what it calls “Islamophobia” involves those calling out groups like its own and others that champion efforts to destroy Israel or to target Jews and Israelis via illegal Boycott Divest and Sanctions (BDS) discrimination campaigns. It is meant as cover for their open antisemitism.

In the past month, Muslims and Arabs are not the ones being attacked by Jews around the world or, for the most part, by anyone else. Instead, CAIR and their followers are the ones who are targeting Jews—and as the videos of the pro-Hamas demonstrations and the poster incidents show, they think they are right, and they’re even proud to display their Jew-hatred.

It should come as no surprise that Ilhan Omar’s campaign has always been a major recipient of funding from CAIR.

Congresswoman Cori Bush extends her thanks to the ever-growing Hamas Caucus.

Biden's harmful initiative is a political gambit meant to bolster his cratering polling numbers among Arab-Americans

Biden’s effort is a political gambit designed to stop his hemorrhaging of support among the progressive antisemites in his coalition. Apparently, he is so worried about his poll numbers in the swing state of Michigan, from where Rashida Tlaib issues her electoral threats, he fears losing the terrorist-supporter vote.

Just one day before the White House announced its initiative, a Reuters/Zogby Poll showed that Arab-American support of President Biden plummeted from 59% on election day 2020, to just 17%. His support from the group had already fallen to 35% before the start of the war between Israel and Hamas. The poll also marked the first time since it was taken in 1997 that a majority of Arab-Americans did not identify as Democrats. 32% said they identified as Republicans and 31% as independents. As The New York Times reported, the Democratic Party is splintering over the administration’s stand in support of Israel’s efforts to eliminate the Hamas terrorists running the Gaza Strip.

Yet there are real world consequences to language used by antisemites like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Two weeks ago, the well-known president of a Detroit synagogue, Samantha Woll, was brutally stabbed to death on her way home from a wedding. Somehow, the Detroit police haven't labeled it a hate crime. If the victim was a Muslim, we know the response would be different.

Yesterday, near Los Angeles, a 69-year-old Jewish man attending a counter-protest to the pro-Hamas rally was killed after being smashed in the face with a megaphone. There are consequences if Democrat leadership refuses to stand up to the growing and vocal antisemites in their part.

Every Palestinian knows that the chant, "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is a call for the genocide of Jews and the state of Israel that exists between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. There is no doubt that Rashida Tlaib knows this as well. It is nothing but cynical whitewashing when she claims the phrase is actually an "aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence."

Instead of having the proverbial Sister Souljah moment, Biden is trying to pick up the antisemite vote.

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