Their warmongering, right-wing billionaire, dark-money donors are terrified of peace.

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

AIPAC just launched attack ads targeting me for supporting a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Their warmongering, right-wing billionaire, dark-money donors are terrified of our momentum as we call for peace and love!

I need your help ASAP. Chip in to help me fight back against AIPAC's disgusting attack ads. 👇🏿


I knew that stepping up as one of only 18 members of the House to call for a ceasefire wasn't the easy thing to do, but it was the right thing.

Still, I didn't expect AIPAC to be THIS afraid of peace!

Their new ads feature horrible lies about extreme violence. And they're running these ads all over my district. I know for a fact they're even running them on Disney streaming.

So when little kids in my district sit down to watch a princess movie, AIPAC is forcing them to watch lies about the worst violence people could possibly do to each other. As a father, it makes me sick.


Lemme catch you up on AIPAC:

  • They claimed to be a "progressive" "Democratic" super PAC, but last year they endorsed dozens of INSURRECTIONIST REPUBLICANS!
  • They only target progressive lawmakers of color
  • Their ads have led to DEATH THREATS against my sister Ilhan Omar and others

Why are they fighting so hard against human rights? Why do they support fascist governments here and abroad?

AIPAC is undermining our democracy and our push for peace, and they're doing it by targeting our progressive movement. Chip in to help me fight back and defend the truth and our collective humanity.


Peace and love,
