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TOGETHER WE HAVE MUCH WORK TO DOA weekend filled with violence and heartbreak. It must stop.As we all grapple with two devastating shootings, we are painfully aware that hate is on the rise. The El Paso shooting was rooted in xenophobic hate, as indicated by the disturbing manifesto the shooter posted hours before he took 22 innocent lives.
ADL continues to work with law enforcement agencies to uncover details about this heinous mass shooting: now the largest act of domestic terrorism in fifty years. We know people want to have knowledge and act.
The new ADL blog post
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Mass Shooting in El Paso: What We Know explores what we know about the shooter from the perspective of ADL's Center on Extremism.
The following are resources for how to understand and discuss this with our families, friends, and children.
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How to Talk to Young People About the El Paso and Dayton Mass Shootings (in English and Spanish)
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A Collection of Resources for Talking with Young People About Tragic Events
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Empowering Young People in the Aftermath of Hate (in English and Spanish)
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5 Tips for Talking with Children about Hate Incidents
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Helping Students Make Sense of News Stories about Bias and Injustice
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Table Talk – Gun Violence and Mass Shootings
I also want to share ADL's extensive research from our Center on Extremism that is relevant to this incident. Our experts have compiled the following informative reports:
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Mainstreaming Hate: The Anti-Immigrant Movement in the US
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Study of Extremist Use of Gab and 8chan
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The Changing Face of American White Supremacy
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Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2018 We urge you to join us as a champion in this fight by calling on your government leaders — from mayors to police chiefs to governors,
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Members of Congress and the President — to use their bully pulpits to condemn hate and state clearly that bigotry can lead to violence, and attacks on minorities are unacceptable. You can also take action by telling Congress that they must support the immediate passage of the
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Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act .
Finally, we must identify and report hate crimes. Please help us with our
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Denuncia el Odio campaign .
The threats of xenophobia and white supremacy are real. We are fighting forces that undermine our pluralistic society. Help us stop hate in its tracks.
Join me and fight hate for good,
Monica Bauer
Director Hispanic Affairs
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