A promise of reprisals from Trump against his political enemies on the first day of his second term.

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John, take a look at this:

Tweet from @JonFavs:'Trump wants to send the military after Americans on Day 1 of a 2nd term: “…his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations.”'

That’s the promise of a Trump presidency. A dictatorship on day one.

We try not to pay too much attention to polls this far out. Some days you’re up, some days you’re down.

What we do pay attention to is things like that tweet: a promise of reprisals from Trump against his political enemies on the first day of his second term.

And from the people who support him most — people like Kari Lake — we pay attention to things like this.

Tweet from @iarnsdorf:'Kari Lake speaking in Georgia tonight says to get Trump Merrick Garland will have to go through 75 million Americans “and most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA. That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.” Standing ovation.'

We pay attention to things like this.

Tweet from @ronfilipkowski:'Kari Lake says instead of House Republicans trying to impeach Biden, they should just decertify the 2020 election and reinstate Trump to the presidency now.'

We take them at their word.

At any other time, victory for Ruben Gallego in Arizona would be vitally important simply because it is essential to holding control in the Senate. But it’s so much bigger than that now.

So we need you to chip in $10.

$10 to win in Arizona and protect our democracy.

$10 to defeat Kari Lake and keep a dangerous “MAGA Queen” out of the Senate.

And $10 because if we can beat Kari Lake in Arizona, we can beat her hero Donald Trump, too.

It might not seem like your $10 can do all that, but it isn’t just you. By the time you read this, a ton of people have already put in their $10. We need you to join them.

So please, John: Make that $10 donation today. We can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. To win, we need as many of our strongest supporters with us as we can possibly get.


Thank you.

Team Gallego


Paid For By Gallego for Arizona

Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform do not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.

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