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Dear John,

Tomorrow is Election Day!

Three cities in Michigan are voting on whether to adopt
ranked choice voting (RCV). Boulder, Colorado will use RCV for the first time – joining the total of 23 cities across nine states using RCV this year. Our talented staff has compiled what to watch for in November’s RCV elections – in this summary, and in this deeper dive into a few high-profile contests. I feel so energized to see RCV reach from coast to coast; this truly would not have been possible without your continued support. Preserving our democracy is our shared goal and it takes our collective commitment!

As we celebrate our momentum in 2023 and look toward even greater impact in 2024, 
we are introducing our end-of-year giving campaign with an ambitious goal of raising $250,000. By making your gift now, you can empower our team to hit the ground running in 2024 – a historically important year for FairVote, our elections, and our democracy.  

I’ve had the privilege of serving as acting CEO at FairVote since our founder & CEO, Rob Richie, went on sabbatical in June. When I joined FairVote in 2019, America’s political animosity and distrust were at levels we hadn’t seen in my lifetime, and since then they’ve only deepened.

Yet, despite this increase in political polarization, our team and movement have delivered hope and promise from city halls to our nation’s capital. We can build on this work in 2024, and make it the biggest year yet for ranked choice voting and election reform.

I hope you will support our work today as we plan for 2024; fighting for better elections for all has never been more important. (And please remember to vote!)

All my best,
Lan Nguyen

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Support FairVote's End of Year Goal
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